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Near sightedness or myopia is a refractive defect of the eye lens in which the image is formed in front of the retina not on it. people with this defect can see closer objects clearly while distant ones are may be due to excessive curvature of the eye ball

Farsightedness or hypermetropia or hyperopia is a defect of vision in which closer objects appear to be is because the eyeball is too short or the lens has incorrect curvature or the cornea is flat.
If your far sited its easier for you to see things more clearly at a distance, if your short sighted its more clear when your closer to the object

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Nearsightedness (myopia) is when someone can see nearby objects clearly but has difficulty seeing objects far away. Farsightedness (hyperopia) is when someone can see distant objects clearly but has difficulty seeing close-up objects. Both conditions are refractive errors that can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.

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Q: What is the difference between near sighted and far sighted?
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Why were the bifocals invented?

Bifocals were invented by Benjamin Franklin to address his age-related presbyopia, a condition where focusing on close objects becomes difficult due to the natural aging process of the eye. By combining lenses for distant and near vision in one frame, bifocals enabled users to see clearly at different distances without needing to switch glasses.

What were the bifocals invented for?

Bifocals were invented to help people with presbyopia, a condition where the eye loses its ability to focus on close objects. The design of bifocals allows individuals to see clearly both near and far by combining two different prescriptions in a single lens.

What does near sided and far sided?

The terms "near-sighted" and "far-sighted" refer to common vision conditions. Near-sightedness (myopia) causes difficulty seeing objects at a distance, while far-sightedness (hyperopia) makes it hard to focus on close-up objects. Both conditions can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.

What is the name for far- sighted?

The term for far-sightedness is hyperopia. It is a common refractive error in which distant objects can be seen more clearly than close-up objects.

How did bifocals change peoples lives over time?

Bifocals improved people's lives by allowing them to easily switch between two different prescriptions for near and distance vision. This innovation helped individuals with presbyopia (age-related difficulty focusing up close) to see clearly at various distances without needing multiple pairs of glasses. They increased comfort and convenience for everyday activities like reading and driving.

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If you are near and far sighted are you blind?

No, think about it, if you are near sighted you can see near, if you are far sighted you can see far, if you are both you can see both No, think about it, if you are near sighted you can see near, if you are far sighted you can see far, if you are both you can see both

If nearby objects look blurry to you would it be near-sighted or far-sighted?

Far sighted. you can tell this by this way: Near-sighted- you can sight nearby things. Far sighted- you can sight far away things.

What are the release dates for Near-Sighted and Far Out - 1964?

Near-Sighted and Far Out - 1964 was released on: USA: November 1964

If you need glasses are you near or far sighted if you can't see close up?

Near Sighted. If you need glasses if you cant see close up, you are far sighted. You need the glasses to see close up, so your not near sighted.

Are dogs near-sighted or far-sighted?

Dogs are near-sighted, meaning they can see better up close than far away. They rely more on their sense of smell and hearing for hunting and navigating their surroundings.

What actors and actresses appeared in Near-Sighted and Far Out - 1964?

The cast of Near-Sighted and Far Out - 1964 includes: Jack Mercer as Squeegee

Does prescription plus 13.50 in left eye and plus 11.50 in the right eye indicate far sighted or near sighted?

far sighted

What does the term far sighted mean?

Depends on what's blurry. If it's something close to you then you are far sighted. If it's something far away then you are near sighted.

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near sighted, far sighted, cataracts, glaucoma, blindness

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What is the meaning of near - sighted in easy wording?

means you can see close up, but objects that are far away are blurry, and the opposite of that is far sighted

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im not sure. probably... far sided.