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Nanoparticles behave quite different from their bulk of the same composition due to the high surface to volume ratio.

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Q: What is the difference between nano and bulk material?
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A nano second is 1 billionth of a second. So there are 999,999,999 nano seconds difference between a second and a nanosecond

What definition of nano material?

Nano material is a material that has particles or constituents of nanoscale dimensions. The average particle size are between 1 and 100 nanometers.

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How the properties are change from bulk material to nano material?

when material in bulk state, properties of them are average of nanoparticles properties.for example bulk state of gold have uniqe color and melting point...but in nanoscale its color and melting point and other properties varied.because the shape and energy state of nanogolds differ from molecular gold

What is the difference between 'nano' and 'non-nano' in makeup products?

The difference between nano and non-nano in makeup products is that nano breaks down particles to make them transparent. For example, products with nano such as sunscreen is more clear. Non-nano sunscreen is white colored. Non-nano products are considered to be healthier and less toxic.

What is the difference between iPod and iPod Nano?

=an ipod nano is smaller than an ipod=

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the color and temperature.

What is the difference between nano car and normal car?

Size and passenger room. Nano means very small.

What is the difference between ipodtouch and ipodnano?

The i-touch has a touch screen, the i-nano does not.

What are the difference between the iPod nano and the iPod touch?

the itouch has more and better things then the ipod nano trust me i have both

What is the difference between a iPad nano and a iPad?

First of all, there is no such thing as an iPad Nano. There is only the iPod Nano.There is a huge difference between the iPod Nano and iPad. The iPod Nano is really small and has built-in FM Radio, while the iPad is much larger, has the ability to go on the internet, run a variety of apps, play video, and much more.