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Clay is a specific kind of mud.

Mud is a mixture of water and soil (or "dirt"). Soil is made up of small rock particles of various sizes, as well as some organic material, like decomposed plants. The kinds of rock particles found in soil are called sand (large particles), silt (small particles), and clay (even smaller particles). Soil with a lot of clay in it can be used to make bricks and other objects, like ceramic plates or coffee mugs, to be baked in a kiln, where the particles bond with each other due to the high heat and make a strong object.

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Q: What is the difference between mud and clay?
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The Aztecs made clay by mixing water with powdered clay soil to create a moldable substance. They then used their hands or tools to shape the clay into various objects, which were then dried and fired in kilns to harden. Clay was an important material for the Aztecs, used in pottery, sculptures, and building construction.

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The difference between pet bottles brick and clay brick depends with the material that they were made with.

Why does mud stick?

I think that mud sticks because it has a large amount of clay in it and we all know that clay is sticky.

What is the difference between clay and shale?

THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT CLAY IS MOIST, SOFT, AND SMOOTH. SHALE IS rock of fissile or laminated structure .

Is there a difference in between extruded clay and modeling clay?

Why yes there is. An extruded clay is something pushed out by a machine and modeling clay is handled by man.

Is clay compacted dense mud?

No, clay is a deposit made up of hydrous aluminum phyllosilicates. Mud is i mixture of fine grained minerals.

What is the difference between sand and mud?

· When it comes to the difference between mud and sand, there are several factors, but the main one is particle size. Sediments are measured in a scale, which is directly related to their particle size. The particles in mud are smaller than those in sand, which makes a totally different type of environment than sand. Due to the compact nature of mud, it usually has very low oxygen content. Sand is a yellow colour, because of the oxygen found in it. The anoxic nature of mud leaves the sediment very hard to live in. The fauna that live there must be highly specialised, such as polychaete worms and some types of edible bivalves.

How do you make clay on alchemy game on droid?

Swamp + sand = clay it is really... Mud+sand = clay

What is cemented mud clay or silt?
