do you mean migration?? And if so migration is moving to a different area birds migrate south for warmer weather in the winter months. Hibernation is what bears do, they just sleep all winter.
Migration is the seasonal movement of animals from one region to another for feeding, breeding, or other purposes. Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression that some animals enter during winter to conserve energy and survive cold weather. Migration involves movement between different locations, while hibernation involves a period of dormancy in a single location.
The Sky's real.
The difference between the rotation and revoulution is that rotation is the spiinning of the planet on its axis and revoulution is the orbiting of the planet around the sun.
The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is about 150 million kilometers. This distance varies due to the elliptical shape of the Earth's orbit.
you can't
Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression during the winter, while estivation is a state of dormancy during hot and dry periods. Hibernation is more common in animals in colder climates, while estivation is common in animals in hot and dry climates.
Whales do not hibernate- they would drown. They are mammals, and breathe air.
Hibernation is an annual ritual . Torpor is sleepiness in a similar way, but not necessarily hibernation.
Hibernation slows down the heartbeat more, and is more like a coma. They are woken up less easily. Their brain waves are also different.
Hibernation is a state of inactivity and reduced metabolic rate to conserve energy during the winter, typically seen in some animals. Migration is the seasonal movement of animals from one region to another for feeding, breeding, or climate reasons. Hibernation is a way to survive winter, whereas migration is a way to find better conditions.
After hibernation, chipmunks go to find love, then get ready for next hibernation.
micro marketing is a market which is related to small market business is called micro marketing ,But macro marketing is a market which is telling about huge market means it hibernation I market.
Micro marketing is a market which is related to small market business is called micro marketing.Macro marketing is a market which is telling about huge market means it hibernation l market
Hibernate is a verb. The noun form is hibernation.
The two types of hibernation are true hibernation, which involves a drastic drop in body temperature and metabolism, and torpor, which is a state of reduced activity and metabolism without a significant drop in body temperature.
there are too hot in their place, they don't need to hibernation
Estivation is another form of Hibernation.