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Menstruation is a monthly event of the uterus shedding it's lining. It begins at menarche (first period, usually about age 13) and continues until the onset of menopause (usually mid to late 40's). Menopause begins a change in the body where periods become at first, erratic, then infrequent, and finally stop all together. Past this point, the woman is considered no longer able to bear children.

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Q: What is the difference between menstruation and menopause?
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What s the difference between menstruation and menopause?

Menstruation - is the cycle of the female body producing an egg ready to be fertilized. If it's not fertilized, it's 'flushed' from the body, along with the lining of the womb. Menopause - is the permanent ceasing of the ovaries producing viable eggs, effectively rendering her sterile.

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Can you menstruate during menopause?

Generally no because menopause is described at the end of menstruation.

When does menstruation usually end?

Yes. When a woman goes through menopause, her menstruation will end. The average age for menopause is in the early 50's.

What refers to the cessation of menstruation?

Amenorrhea ,an abnormal absence of menstruation.or Menopause, the ceasing of menstruation.

What is the difference between puberty and menopause?

Puberty is when the body is ready to reproduce. Menopause is when you can no longer reproduce.

What is the difference between Menopause and Depression?

Menopause is more aimed toward older women. It is a time when women, usually aged 40-55 years old, stop having menstruation cycles. Depression can affect all sorts of people. It is a medical condition that affects the mood of a person.

What do you call the cessation of ovulation and menstruation?

That is called as menopause. You can stop menstruating, some time after the age of forty five years. Most women get the menopause between forty five to fifty five years of age.

What is the medical term meaning gradual ending of menstruation?

You need to have a talk to your boyfriend/partner

What is the term for permanent cessation of menstruation as a result of aging?


What are two hormones responsible for menstrual cycle and menopause?

Two hormones responsible for the menstrual cycle are estrogen and progesterone. During menopause, the levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease, leading to the cessation of menstruation and other symptoms associated with menopause.