with a mandate the federal government tells a state government what it must do if it wants grant money.
What is the difference between loans grants gifts and aids?"
Aid= to help or assist Aide= a person who helps or assists
A band-aid is the brand name, while a bandage is what its really called.
Federal comes from the government where as the aid from California comes from the state itself.
The difference between a large-scale aid project and appropriate technology is that a large-scale aid is when a country receives a lot of aid, so it's basically given to the people, but an appropriate technology is developed by the people themselves without any aid.
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They do not necessarily originate in either body. There are also numerous Federal Agencies empowered to promulgate their own rules and regulations which have the force of law (i.e.: the IRS, the FCC, the FAA, etc., etc.). They, too, can issue mandates that certain things be, or not be, done.
emergency aid is when you need something now and long term aid is something to help people in the future
Decision aid system is for decision making. A support system is a helpdesk.
In one useage as a noun - aide is a person, aid is a thing - both provide assistance.
AIH is distinguished from artificial insemination by donor (AID) in which the donor is a man other than the woman's mate.
one is a solid and one is a liquid