first of all, learn how to spell. major* and secondly there isnt a difference. minor sounds like a major and a major sounds like a minor... and learn how to spell minor as well.
nine notes on the treble clef
16 1/4
RBI Governor
It is called a "tie" (like what you do to your shoe laces).
It helps you summarize all of the information you've just read and taken notes about.
c miner
Differentiate between a bearer debentures and convertible notes
The difference in pitch between two notes is called an interval. It is measured in terms of distance between the two notes, typically described in terms of steps on a musical scale such as semitones or whole tones.
Rambling Miner. has written: 'Notes on the western coalfields of Fife' -- subject(s): Local publishers, Mining, Local authors
In music theory, the difference between minor and major intervals lies in the number of half steps between the two notes. Major intervals have a larger distance between the notes compared to minor intervals.
Two sixteenth notes take up the same amount of time/space as one eighth note.
difference between ghazal & nazm
a great piano has lower notes
The difference between two pitches is called an interval. It refers to the distance between two musical notes in terms of pitch.
discuss the similarities and differences between the concept notes and project proposal
letter which we write to someone while memo is reminder.
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