"lolz" is a slang term that stands for "laugh out loud" or "lots of laughs." It is used in informal communication to indicate that something is funny or amusing.
The word "lolz" is thought to have originated in online chat rooms and social media platforms as a playful variation of "lol," which stands for "laugh out loud." It is difficult to pinpoint one specific individual who invented the term as internet slang often develops organically through collective usage and adaptation.
The main difference between cats and dogs is their preferred method of communication.
"Difference" refers to the way in which two or more things are not the same, while "different" is the adjective used to describe something as not being the same as something else. Essentially, "difference" is a noun and "different" is an adjective.
Lolz is another way of saying ''lol''
My answer is: I dunno. ;) hahhaha jk lol lol lolz oh wait. i just read da question. so.. i dunno.
:-) Think about it ;-) :-b :-D lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lolz
lolz go 2 roblox.com
more lol in the z
you eat it with lol catz
YOU TELL ME lolz i got no idea so ;P lol hav fun workin it out YOU TELL ME lolz i got no idea so ;P lol hav fun workin it out
lol lol
there is no difference! LOL
I believe the difference is that i am pretty and your not lol