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Localized effects happen at the end of the post ganglionic neuron (at the target tissue) while diffuse means more spread out. The diffuse effect is often seen in the sympathetic system as it is the releaser of adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal glands which spread systemically

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Q: What is the difference between localized and diffuse effects of the ANS How does this correlate to the impact of stress on the body?
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What role does acetylcholine play in neurotransmission?

Neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft to bind to membrane receptors on the next neuron. This initiates a synaptic potential.

What are the differences between an opened brain injury and a closed brain injury?

There are two basic types: open head injuries and closed head injuries. Open head TBIs are a frightening mess. Whether the injury comes from a bullet, a baseball bat, or a high-speed collision, the result is always chaotic and distressing. The scalp bleeds a lot when it is cut, and when the skull is cracked or penetrated, pieces of it can get lodged in the brain. Because the brain is such a complicated tangle of tissue, it's extremely tricky to remove objects lodged inside a brain. That's why we put brain surgery right up there with rocket science in our everyday language.In a closed head injury, nothing penetrates your skull, but a closed head injury can be just as complicated and vicious as an open head injury, sometimes more so. During a closed head injury, the brain may slam against one portion of the skull, then bounce against the opposite side of the wall. Doctors call that a "coup-contracoup" injury, where two injuries occur from a single blow. One of the most common types of closed head injury is a concussion - a strong blow from an external force. If a person's head is whipped around, a small tearing effect called shearing occurs throughout the brain, resulting in a diffuse axonal injury. Axons are the hairlike extensions of nerve cells that transmit messages, so in a diffuse axonal injury, the messages either get mixed up, or they don't come through at all.

How can terrorism end in this world?

Terrorism emerges as an individual fanatical ideology for vengeance against an institution, community or society and quickly inducts frustrated members in its community to influence them with a socio-religious-political- economic radical cause that may or may not have any relevance to the individual grievances of the perpetrators of terrorism itself.Terrorism if not suppressed at the very beginning emerges as either a national or international problem.With induction of more and more like minded ideologist groups, terrorism acquires a national or international influence and drive against any type of political-economical hegemony or on a larger scale as a clash of civilization itself.The efforts to end terrorism should begin by the reversal process to change the psychological hate and the mind set of individuals (political leaders of nations-policies of governments) , communities(religious-social discriminations)and nations(global competitions-war) to diffuse the political-economic hegemony and the clash of civilizations.Mere political efforts to end terrorism by anti terrorist drives is a foolish attempt as it will add more fuel to the fire of hate and terrorist acts.

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pressure difference between carbon dioxide and oxygen level between pulmonary artery and alveolar space

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diffuse is brighter than regular

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Bromine is a liquid, so chlorine, as a gas, will diffuse faster.

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Why sodium ion diffuse slowly than a chlorine ion?

I actually don't think it does. Diffusion is normally controlled by mass, and sodium atoms being less massive than chlorine atoms should diffuse more rapidly (the difference in mass between the neutral atom and the ion isn't enough to matter).

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Osteomyelitis is a bone and bone marrow infection. The three stages of the disease are acute, subacute, and chronic stages. The Cierny-Mader Staging System for Long Bone Osteomyelitis has four stages which are the medullary, superficial, localized, and diffuse osteomyelitis.

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my mom

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This could cause folk culture to diffuse by the amounts of popular culture in demand

What would diffuse?

A fluid would diffuse .

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