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load time is the time it takes to load a shipment. dispatch time is how long it should take the shipment to arrive at destination

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Q: What is the difference between load time and dispatch time?
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The only difference between a shock load and a gradually applied load is something called an impulse; defined as the integral of a force with respect to time. When a force is applied to a rigid body it changes the momentum of that body. A small force applied for a long time can produce the same momentum change as a large force applied briefly, because it is the product of the force and the time for which it is applied that is important.

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Stress testing means increasing the load ,and cheking the performance at each level. Load testing means at a time giving more load by the expectation and checking the performance at that leval. Volume testing means first we have to apply initial load,then at certain time increase the load and check the performance.

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