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a lane is normally very small and a road is normally very long and mre likely to have many shops/building

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Q: What is the difference between lane and road?
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Difference between road lane and line?

The difference between a road lane and a line is the direction of travel on the roadway. In a road lane situation, there are usually two lanes divided by a white dotted line, traveling in the same direction. If there is a center line, (yellow solid or yellow dotted) the direction of travel is one lane each way.

What is the difference between a road and a lane?

you know a road ,it has sometimes has some white lines that split the lanes equily

Difference between lane and line?

lane means lane and line means line

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The address of the Lane Road Branch is: 1945 Lane Road, Upper Arlington, 43220 3009

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In the Spitalfields area of East London. It runs between Whitechapel Road and Bethnal Green Road.

If you have two lanes which one is the outside lane?

outside lane is the lane nearest edge of road inside line is lane closest to the middle of the road

What is a road or lane of travel called?

A road or lane of travel is commonly called a thoroughfare.

Is a 'two lane road' one that has two lanes in each direction?

No. That would be a 4 lane road. 2 lane road is just that 2 lanes. One in each direction.

What is the width of a two lane road?

Lanes are usually about 11-12 feet wide, so a road with two lanes (one lane going in each direction) would be between 22 and 24 feet wide. A road with two lanes in each direction would be between 44 and 48 feet wide.

What is difference between trail and road surface for running?

The difference between trail and road surface for running is that trail is usually dirt roads as opposed to tarred (tarmac) surfaces associated with road surfaces.