The shorter route between Mecca and Aden is the land route.
Sea Route to Asia : Shorter Time and you travel in the ocean Land Route to Asia: Longer Time and you travel on the Silk Road
what city was located on both a sea route and a land route to Europe
The only difference - is the direction of flow. A sea breeze blows from the sea onto the land. A land breeze flows in the opposite direction.
onshore means it is on land and offshore on sea.
A land breeze is caused by the temperature difference between the land and sea surfaces. At night, the land cools faster than the sea, creating high pressure over the land and low pressure over the sea. This pressure difference leads to a breeze blowing from the land towards the sea.
army-responsible on land navy-responsible at sea
Sea breezes are strongest during the afternoon because of the temperature difference between the land and sea. As the land heats up more quickly than the sea during the day, the warm air over the land rises, creating a low-pressure area. Cooler air from the sea then moves in to fill this void, resulting in the sea breeze.
Carrying cargo by ship was faster, easier, cheaper and less dangerous than carrying it by land.
what is the difference between the ocean the sea and a sea channel
The average height difference between the land surface and the sea floor is approximately 4 kilometers. Land surfaces generally have higher elevations due to the presence of mountains and plateaus, while the sea floor is characterized by ocean trenches and ridges that are much deeper below sea level.