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A trackball has a ball that can rotate any number of turns in any direction. A joystick has a lever that can be tilted a few degrees (typically 60°) in (usually) 4 directions.

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Q: What is the difference between joystick and trackball?
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Which input device is used to contract computer games?

A joystick is probably the most common input device you'd think of when it comes to games. However, you could also use a flight controller, a trackball, or a mouse. But generally, you'd use a joystick unless you are playing a flight simulation game that requires a flight controller.

What is the difference between trackball and spaceball?

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What input device is useful for playing games?

A joystick is probably the most common input device you'd think of when it comes to games. However, you could also use a flight controller, a trackball, or a mouse. But generally, you'd use a joystick unless you are playing a flight simulation game that requires a flight controller.

I have a trackpad and i dont like it and want a trackball would i be able to put a trackball on a blackberry torch 9800?

You cannot change the trackpad out for a trackpad. If you want a trackball you need to get a Blackberry with a trackball such as a Tour 9630 or Curve 8330.

Where can one buy a Microsoft trackball?

One can buy a Microsoft Trackball from Amazon for about $125. Some of the features include precision trackball design, five buttons and a wheel for scrolling and zooming. The Trackball is a sophisticated mouse for a laptop or a PC.

Who invented the trackball?

AnswerAccording to the web site the trackball was invented in 1949 by two Canadian engineers working on a new radar system. Full reference citation: Cranston and Fred Longstaff invented the trackball.

Why joystick is an input device?

a joystick is named a joystick because it gives you joy when you use it.

Where can a wireless trackball be bought?

A wireless trackball mouse can be purchased from many different retailers and stores. Some examples of stores that sell wireless trackball mouses include NewEgg and Radio Shack.

How To Use Blackberry Without Trackball?

I lost my trackball/ it fell out and I have a bbm request is thee any way for me to accept it???