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The only thing that they have in common is that they are proteins. Insulin is a molecule that carries glucose across the body cell membranes. Hemoglobin is a very large molecule that contains iron and carries oxygen. The red blood cells are packed with it.

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Q: What is the difference between insulin and hemoglobin?
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Why is protein hemoglobin different from protein insulin?

They are two different proteins, like the difference between a train and a robot. The difference between one protein and the other is the amino acid sequence that comprises that protein and the molecular bonding that determines its shape. Shape determines function in a protein. If it loses its shape it can't do its job. The shape of insulin and hemoglobin is different so insulin binds with glucose and hemoglobin binds with oxygen.

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Reduced hemoglobin does not have the oxygen molecules that oxyhemoglobin has. :)

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There are no differences in the amino acids in human hemoglobin and wolf hemoglobin.

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loss of only one amino acid from the normal hemoglobin molecule

What kind of macromolecules are insulin and hemoglobin?

They are type of proteins. They are made up of amino acids

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no there is no gender difference however your haemolglobin levels vary.

What is the difference between humulin insulin and reliOn insulin?

Relion Humulin is the exact same thing as Humlin, but Relion Humlin is manufactured exclusively for WalMart.

What is the difference between Insulin and Diabetics?

"Diabetes" is what one has. Diabetic is how one is.

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Novolin is a short-acting insulin, taken for correcting high blood glucose and before or after eating. Novolog is a long-lasting insulin, taken to stabilize blood glucose between the times that you take your short-acting doses.