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Instrumental aggression correlats to masculine traits, while realtional correlates to feminine traits

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9mo ago

Instrumental aggression is behavior intended to achieve a specific goal or outcome, such as obtaining a reward or avoiding punishment. Relational aggression involves harming others through manipulation of social relationships or status, such as spreading rumors or excluding someone from a group.

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Q: What is the difference between instrumental aggression and relational aggression?
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Is aggression learned or natural?

Aggression can be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. While some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to aggression, it is also often a learned behavior that can be influenced by upbringing, social interactions, and other environmental factors. Overall, the development of aggressive behaviors is usually a complex interplay between genetics and environment.

Testing the hypothesis that frustration encourages aggression would require?

conducting a research study where participants are exposed to frustrating situations and then their levels of aggression are measured. The study should include control groups to compare results and statistical analyses to determine if there is a significant relationship between frustration and aggression. Ethical considerations must also be taken into account when designing and conducting the study.

How can coorporate identity affect the formation and maintenance of relational psychlogical contract?

Corporate identity, which includes visual elements like logos and slogans, can shape a company's image and reputation. This image can influence employees' perceptions of the organization, impacting their sense of belonging and commitment. A strong corporate identity can help establish trust and credibility, which can play a role in shaping the relational psychological contract between employees and the company.

What is prejudice frustration-aggression?

Prejudice frustration-aggression theory suggests that individuals who are frustrated in achieving their goals are more likely to exhibit aggression towards a target group that they hold prejudices against. This theory emphasizes the role of frustration in increasing hostility and aggressive behavior towards marginalized or stigmatized groups. It highlights how prejudice can be a contributing factor to aggressive reactions when individuals experience obstacles or failures in achieving their desired outcomes.

Why are men more aggressive then women?

Aggression can be influenced by a combination of biological, social, and environmental factors. While there may be tendencies for men to exhibit more physical aggression due to hormonal and neurological differences, individual differences play a significant role. Socialization, cultural norms, and learned behavior also contribute to differences in aggression between men and women.

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Difference between hostile aggression and instrumental aggression?

hostile aggression is done with the intention to inflict harm or pain to another person while instrumental aggression, on the other hand, is done in order to attain a particular goal.

The difference between instrumental and terminal values?

If we think the terminal value as a roof than the instrumental value would be the stairs to reach that roof.

What is the difference between vocal and instrumental?

Vocal music is coming from the voice while instrumental music is coming from the instrument. As a result, vocal music can have words while instrumental music cannot.

Difference between database and relational database?

A database is a collection of data organized for easy access and manipulation, while a relational database is a type of database that stores data in a structured format using tables that are related to each other through keys. In a relational database, data is organized into rows and columns, and relationships between tables can be established using keys.

Difference between database and relational database explain with example?

Database = Generic name for a system to store data Relational Database = A specific type of database that utilizes relationships between data to not only store the data but further its efficiency in its manipulation.

What is the difference between relational tuple calculus and domain calculus?

Relational tuple calculus has its variables range over tuples, where domain relational calculus ranges its variables over the field values, or domain elements. Both types of calculus are subsets of first order logic.

What is the difference between violence and aggression?

Violence suggests unrestrained behavior which is often "explosive", combatative and is physically or mentally abusive. Violence is aggression, however aggression does not necissarily imply violence. Aggression implies one or more opposing parties imposing strong will toward the opposition which may escalate to violent aggression.

What is the difference between vocal music and instrumental music?

Vocal music is coming from the voice while instrumental music is coming from the instrument. As a result, vocal music can have words while instrumental music cannot.

Difference between multimedia and hypermedia?

Multimedia is based on two key concepts; integration and interactivity while hypermedia is based on a relational database organisation

How are relationship between tables expressed in a relational database?

Tables are the basic building blocks of a relational database.

What is difference between linear syntax and relational algebra?

They are not alternative solutions so that we can compare them. Relational database (which is based on relational algebra) demands (atleast the founder of relational database Codd suggests) that the query language follow linear syntax. The linear syntax languages don't rely up on newline characters as terminators of expressions or statements -- instead they rely on other tokens such as semicolon or comma and so on.

What is a relational operators in c?

Relational operators are those operators which shows relation between two operands. e.g. ==, <=,>=,<,>