collective rights are for certain specific groups of people, like the Indian Act. Individual rights are meant to protect an Individual and his interests. For example: Right to life.
Individual rights refer to the rights possessed by individual people, such as freedom of speech or the right to privacy. Collective rights, on the other hand, are rights held by a group of individuals, such as indigenous peoples or minority groups, based on their shared identity or culture. While individual rights focus on the rights of each person as an individual, collective rights focus on the rights of a group as a whole.
Indigenous peoples often advocate for collective rights to protect their cultural heritage and traditional practices.
Civil and political rights: relate to individual liberties such as freedom of speech and assembly. Economic, social, and cultural rights: relate to standards of living such as housing and healthcare. Collective rights: relate to rights of groups or communities, like indigenous peoples or minorities.
In Canada, collective rights for Indigenous peoples are protected under the Canadian Constitution Act of 1982, which includes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Additionally, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) provides a framework for the protection of Indigenous collective rights in Canada.
Statutory rights are rights that are established by laws or statutes, such as labor laws or consumer protection laws. Non-statutory rights are rights that are not specifically defined by law but may arise from common law principles or agreements between parties. The main difference is that statutory rights are clearly defined by written laws, whereas non-statutory rights rely on other sources for recognition and enforcement.
procedural due process focuses on the fairness of the legal process itself in ensuring individual rights are protected, while substantive due process addresses the actual content or substance of the laws being applied and their impact on individual liberties.
No, collective rights are horrible compared to individual rights.
To what extent should governments attempt to balance the promotion of individual and collective rights?
There is none, If we chose to put ourselves in a situation where we have rights. then the point of view can not effect rights, A right can not be changed it can only be denied. there fore there is no relationship between the rights of the individual and the collective other then that the collective has the power to stop the individual from implementing its right if it chooses to do so.
It is a contract that disregards the rights of the individual in favor of the "will" of the collective. The rights of the collective? Honor the rights of all individuals and the rights of the collective are undeniably protected. Claim the collective has rights that are superior to individual rights and the collective becomes a pool of human fodder for those clever enough to plunder. The will of the people? The people have spoken? I am speaking now, when you speak you will be speaking then and if you speak in these WA pages you are participating in a collective but are you speaking for the collective? Certainly, as many will attest, I don't speak for the collective. I speak for those who find themselves with headings such as ANOTHER VIEW or A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE and were I to foolishly enter into agreement with any social contract, my VIEW and PERSPECTIVE would be subject to the "will" of the collective. I am fortunate to be treated as an individual with certain rights as an individual in this WA site, and I am fortunate there is Dispute Resolution Center and a Community Advisory Team set in place to help me when I find myself being subjected to the "will" of the collective.I relish being an individual, I am proud and honored to be a part of this collective known as, but I will always be an individual first and foremost and so will you.
Collective identity and collective rights are completely different because collective means the same thing which is a group of people so we know what they are both a group of people but we don't know what rights and identity are. So here I'll break It down for you. Identity means what people look like and rights mean like freedoms and laws.
There is a small difference between rights and public issues is simple. Rights involve the individual or small group and public generally involves the whole.
mobility rights, freedom of speech, individual and collective rights etc,etc.......
that the US mainly focus on individual rights and Canada focus on group rights
Collective rights are rights held by a specific group, for example first nations people have the right to fish and hunt freely in Canada. French people have the right to speak in their own language and to be understood.
Group rights are held by a group of people such as a council or board. Individual rights are held by one person and one person only. Historically group rights have been used to breach the rights of individuals.
democracy at persent has become a way of life as no other form of govt. gives the individuals this much rights, liberty to grow, freedom and so many other rights. It is the govt. of the majority but with minority rights. It promotes both individual as well as collective rights. Communism stands for the common use and sacrifice the ind. liberty and freedom. there is scope of supression of the rights of the individual.
There is a difference