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Especially if you're talking about autonomous states versus independent states, there's a huge difference.

An autonomous state is free to make its own rules and regulations, within the confines of its larger government structure (ie: as long as its laws don't interfere with the laws set by the country it exists within). An example of this would be Nunavut, within Canada. They are allowed to make their own system to punish perpetrators of minor criminal offences, but they must defer to Canadian Federal Law for major offences.

Being independent means being free to make all choices, irrespective of any one elses. It means to operate under your own power, like being a country such as the United States, or Mexico

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10mo ago

Independence refers to the state of being free from the control, influence, or support of others. Autonomy, on the other hand, emphasizes the capacity for self-governance or self-determination in decision-making and actions. While independence focuses on freedom from outside interference, autonomy emphasizes the ability to make choices based on one's own values and priorities.

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