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Impermeable rocks which r neither porous nor permeable.ex: Aquifuge(granite,Quartzite)

Impervious rocks which r porous bt not permeable(hvng storing capacity bt not allow easy and quick flow through it)...ex: aquiclude(clay beds)

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7mo ago

Impervious refers to a material or surface that does not allow water to pass through, such as a solid barrier. Impermeable refers to a material that does not allow fluids to pass through, including liquids and gases. Essentially, impervious specifically relates to water, while impermeable is a broader term that covers all types of fluids.

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What is the difference between pervious and impervious rocks in geology?

An impervious rock is one that does not allow water to flow through it. It has no air spaces and has no way of storing water at all.

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An aquifer forms when groundwater pools between a permeable layer and an impermeable layer.

What is formed when groundwater pool between a permeable layer and impermeable layer?

An aquifer forms when groundwater pools between a permeable layer and an impermeable layer.

What is a sentence with the word impervious?

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The difference is that they are thrust up. They are not moving downhill because of gravity.

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Impenetrable is a synonym for impervious.

Sentence using the word impervious?

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