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Hydroponics is plants growing in water. Aquaponics is taking it one step further; a combination of hydroponics and aquaculture, plants and fish together. The plant roots take nutrition from the water with the fish.

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It depends on who you ask, but scientifically, hydroponically because 1) saves space, 2) saves water, 3) no weeding, 4) less pests and disease, 5) speeds up growth, and 6) you have extreme control.

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What is an aquaponist?

An aquaponist is a person who practises aquaponics, a form of sustainable food production which combines aquaculture with hydroponics.

Is aquaponics better than hydroponics?

Whether hydroponics or aquaponics is better depends on what you want to do, and how much time and effort you want to be involved in. Hydroponics is easier to learn about and requires less equipment. It cannot grow as much food, because the aquaponics system grows about the same amount of vegetables and adds fish to that. Also, if you want to grow your own organic vegetables, it is hard to do it with hydroponics. Aquaponics requires more knowledge, and more care. In addition to tending vegetables, it is necessary to keep track of fish, making sure their living conditions suit them. Fish tanks, plumbing, pumps, and so on, are likely to be included in the design. The amount of fish you get can be about half of the amount, in weight, you get in vegetables, if you are set up right. You have excellent control over the quality of the food as well, and if you want it to be organic, that is not particularly hard to do.

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Mr. Aquaver Natividad Uy introduced aquaponics in the Philippines. Aquaponics is a sustainable farming method that combines aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (cultivating plants in water). It allows for the efficient use of resources and has gained popularity for its environmental benefits.

What is both aquaculture and aquaponics?

Aquaculture is raising aquatic living things, usually fish and usually for food.Aquaponics includes an aquaculture system, but adds raising vegetables hydroponically to it. Hydroponics is a system of raising vegetables without soil, but with nutrient-laden water. The term aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture with hydroponics.In aquaculture, it is important to deal with the fish waste. In aquaponics, the way to deal with fish waste is to convert it into nutrients for plants, which remove if from the water, so the water can be returned to the fish.

What are the ratings and certificates for DIY Aquaponics - 2011?

DIY Aquaponics - 2011 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

What are the ratings and certificates for Aquaponics Secrets - 2010?

Aquaponics Secrets - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

Is aquaponics a plural or singular noun?

Aquaponics has an s at the end so it sounds plural. But the meaning is singular.

Are aquaponics good use for primary schools?

Yes, aquaponics are a great learning experience for young children.

What actors and actresses appeared in DIY Aquaponics - 2011?

The cast of DIY Aquaponics - 2011 includes: Murray Hallam as himself

What actors and actresses appeared in Aquaponics Secrets - 2010?

The cast of Aquaponics Secrets - 2010 includes: Murray Hallam as himself

What are the ratings and certificates for Aquaponics Made Easy - 2008?

Aquaponics Made Easy - 2008 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

Does hydroponics need much land?

No. Hydroponics requires very little land, as the containers can be stacked upon each other (provided there is room between for the plants).