A hydrograph and a hyetograph are both graphs that show changes over time, but they represent different types of data.
A graph that shows the discharge of a stream or river at a specific point over time. Discharge is the rate of flow, usually measured in cubic meters or cubic feet per second (cms or cfs). Hydrographs can be used to make long-term flood risk forecasts.
A graph that shows the amount of water input, such as precipitation or snowmelt, at a specific point over time. Hyetographs can also show rainfall intensity over time.
Hyetographs can sometimes be shown on the secondary x- and y-axis of a hydrograph to compare the stream's response to the water input.
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They both have different colors.
the time between the heaviest rainfall and the peak discharge
The unit of hydrograph for an infinitesimally small duration of effective rainfall is called unit hydrograph. It represents the response of a watershed to a unit input of effective rainfall over time.
A hydrograph is showing the discharge (rate of flow) versus the time past in a specific river point. One of the types of hydrography is called a flood hydrograph, it is used to measure the river's characteristic basically a dual plot of discharge and rainfalls.
how do you compare and contrast hydrographs
the amount of discharge in a river over a period of time
The shape of a storm hydrograph is influenced by factors such as precipitation intensity, duration, and distribution, as well as the characteristics of the watershed such as size, slope, soil type, land use, and vegetation cover. These factors determine how quickly water enters the river system and how quickly it moves through it, ultimately shaping the hydrograph.
The peak rainfall is the highest amount of rain in a place on a hydrograph.
IS the technique of determining flood hydrograph at a section of river
The lag time between peak rainfall and peak discharge on a hydrograph occurs because it takes time for water to travel through the watershed from where it falls as rain to the main channel of a river. Factors like soil type, topography, land use, and drainage patterns influence the flow pathways and the time it takes for water to reach the stream channel.
Total Volume of rainfall for that storm event
It shows us the time between the peak rainfall and peak discharge. Peak rainfall is the highest rain amount. Peak discharge is the highest the water level reaches in the river.
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