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i think that the difference is that physical heritage is due to the physical part of your heritage an human heritage is due to the human pat of your heritage.

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1d ago

Human heritage refers to the intangible aspects of a culture or society such as language, traditions, and beliefs passed down through generations. Physical heritage, on the other hand, refers to tangible objects and places of historical significance such as buildings, artifacts, and archaeological sites.

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Q: What is the difference between human heritage and physical heritage?
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Continue Learning about Archaeology

What is study of physical remains called?

The study of physical remains is called archaeology. Archaeologists study artifacts, structures, and other physical remains of past human societies to learn about their cultural practices, beliefs, and technologies.

What is the difference between archaeologists and geologists?

Archaeologists study human history and prehistory through the excavation and analysis of artifacts, structures, and other physical remains. Geologists, on the other hand, study the Earth's structure, composition, and processes, including rocks, minerals, and natural phenomena like earthquakes and volcanoes. While both fields involve the study of the Earth's history, archaeologists focus on human cultural development, while geologists focus on the physical processes that shape the planet.

Which is the best definition for the term marine archaeology?

Marine archaeology is the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation and analysis of artifacts and other physical remains found in and around bodies of water, such as oceans, seas, and rivers. It focuses on understanding ancient civilizations, maritime trade, shipwrecks, and other submerged cultural heritage sites.

How do you preserve geological heritage?

To preserve geological heritage, it is essential to limit human impact on natural sites, promote responsible tourism practices, maintain the integrity and original features of geological formations, and implement effective conservation strategies to protect these important sites for future generations to enjoy. Additionally, raising awareness about the value of geological heritage and the importance of conservation efforts can help garner support for preservation initiatives.

What is the difference between archlogist and paleontologist?

An archaeologist studies human history and artifacts, focusing on civilizations and cultures through material remains. A paleontologist studies fossils and ancient life forms, focusing on the evolution and history of life on Earth.

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