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Harmony creates unity while unity creates harmony within the use of the different elements of art

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Q: What is the difference between harmony and unity?
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What is unity in diversity?

it is an expression of harmony and unity between dissimilar individuals or groups.

What is the difference between unity and coherence?

the difference between coherence and unity is nothing

What is the claim of fact of unity in diversity?

Unity in diversity is used as an expression of harmony and unity between dissimilar individuals or

What practice shows unity and harmony in the story of the two brothers?

In the story of the two brothers, practicing forgiveness, understanding, and compromise can demonstrate unity and harmony. By overcoming conflicts and working together towards common goals, the brothers can show how differences can be set aside for the greater good. Additionally, showing empathy and support for each other's struggles can reinforce the bond of unity and harmony between them.

Lokahi in hawaiian translated to mean.?

Aloha: It is unity or agreement, or to be in harmony.

What is the difference between unity and disunity?

Unity is together disunity is apart ( the dis prefex is a clue) They are opposites.

What is the difference between union and unity?

Union typically refers to the act of joining together or combining separate entities, such as organizations or groups. Unity, on the other hand, generally refers to the state of being joined together in agreement, harmony, or purpose. In summary, union is about the process of coming together, while unity is about the result of being together.

What are the 10 principles of art?

Proportion Balance Movement Emphasis Harmony Unity Variety Rhythm

Synonym of harmony?

amity, empathy, peace, unity, friendship

What is spirtual health?

Heath - promotes unity; spiritual - becoming closer to unity; therefore, to become one in harmony

What is the difference between geographical unity and political unity?

The difference between geographical unity and political unity is what is united. In geographical unity, it's about the geography, and with political unity, it's about the politics

Why is unity important in a classroom?

It is important because it is path to peace and harmony