In language terms, Grandmother is said as 'Yia yia', while Great grandmother is said as 'Pro yia yia' (with a rolling 'r').
In terms of geneology, Grandmother is the mother of one of your parents, so ideally you would have two, one from your mother's side and one from your father's. A Great grandmother is the mother of one of your Grandparents, i.e. your Grandmother on your mother's side's, mother. So, potentially, you could have up to four Great grandmothers!
it was her mother's, grandmother's, great grandmother's, great great grandmother's, and great great great grandmother's name Also, she was her Fathers favorite child, and the name Cleopatra in greek means favoirite of her father.
concept of citizenship, religious beliefs, and language ; )
The army weren’t as fierce
The main difference between an Ancient Greek banquet and an Ancient Roman banquet was the number of courses served.
"Great grandmother" in English is progiagiá (Προγιαγιά) in Greek.
it was her mother's, grandmother's, great grandmother's, great great grandmother's, and great great great grandmother's name Also, she was her Fathers favorite child, and the name Cleopatra in greek means favoirite of her father.
"Great grandmother" in English is progiagiá (Προγιαγιά) in Greek.
No, Avia is not Greek for grandmother. In Greek, the word for grandmother is γιαγιά (yiayia). Avia is a name of Latin origin meaning "desire for fashion."
"Yiayia" is the Greek word for grandmother. It is a term of endearment and respect used to refer to one's grandmother in the Greek culture.
concept of citizenship, religious beliefs, and language ; )
titans are godss' parents
An important difference between greek and Romans attitudes was that
One is in Greek, the other is in English.
yes. it originates from greek language
No Gaia is not dunmb (dumb) she is a primeval ancient Greek goddess of earth, she is the earth, the earth is Gaia. She is mother, grandmother, and great grandmother of many Greek gods and goddesses including the Olympians.