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Zombies = dead people that came back to life (or semblance to it), no intelligence, only wants to feed or attack unless controlled (witch doctors) to perform simple tasks. Are created by either voodoo, or by being bitten by another zombie. Are attracted to living beings.

Ghoul = creature that either wasn't human or was one but is no longer the "person" (transformed). More like an animal/child like intelligence. Acts mostly on instinct. Some may have close to human intelligence. Usually feed on dead things/people (carcasses) so they are usually found in graves or cemeteries were they dig up dead bodies to eat. Are usually created by black magic, possession by a demon or due to a curse. Are attracted to dead flesh, but will attack living beings

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Q: What is the difference between ghosts and zombies?
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Co ghosts wont have zombies because it is made by infinity ward and they didn't make zombies, treyarch did. So that means there won't be zombies in cod ghosts

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I think Zombies and Vampires are both in close runnings.

What Has name But Does Not Exist?

t infinity. spirits / ghosts / vampires / Zombies.

Why don't zombies eat their own kind?

they can tell the difference between each other.

Ghost VS Zombies?

ghosts are better cause they can fly and walk threw stuff

The differents in vampires and zombies?

Vampires can control their own actions - Zombies do not as they are brain dead.Vampires have the same personality that they had when they were human - Zombies do not as they are brain dead.Vampires drink blood - Zombies eat people.

What can sims be turned into?

Vampires, werewolves, plant Sim's, witches, warlocks, zombies, ghosts. I think that's it.