Sportsmanship is the principle of enjoying a sporting activity with the considerations of respect, fairness and ethical concerns to others.
example: At the start of a football match, the two team captains will shake hands indicating that they are going to show good sportsmanship. however, if a player shows poor sportsmanship, such as discriminating another individual, the activity will be spoiled for the other competitors.
Gamesmanship is the principle of following a code of conduct within the sport. It is about winning the sport without violating the rules of the sport.
Kept - 2005 Gamesmanship 1-7 was released on: USA: 7 July 2005
have a good state of mind :)
"You had very good sportsmanship"" My coach says sportsmanship is an important part of the game."
Pretty much. defines gamesmanship as: "The use in a sport or game of aggressive, often dubious tactics, such as psychological intimidation or disruption of concentration, to gain an advantage over one's opponent."
Sportsmanship is how a person behaves while playing a sport. Playing by the rules and not being a sore looser is good sportsmanship.
The root word in sportsmanship is "sport."
NCAA Sportsmanship Award was created in 1999.
Winning! Everybody who has good sportsmanship will win, whether they get a higher score or not.
Kim Perrot Sportsmanship Award was created in 1997.
Dernell Stenson Sportsmanship Award was created in 2004.
Marj Mitchell Sportsmanship Award was created in 1982.
not fighting