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These words are usually in many ways, as a game could mean a deer that a hunter is after, or a sports activity, or a manner of picking up women. Play could be a strategic set of movements in a particular sport, a Shakespearean perfomance, or what someone does when they do not want to commit to a single relationship, which is called playing the field.

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17y ago
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15y ago

The distinction between a game and a sport is physical defense. By physical defense I mean your opponent is permitted to physically prevent you from succeeding. For example, Golf cannot be a sport because another golfer cannot interfere with you in any way while you are attempting to make a shot. You are only playing against the course. The same goes for Bowling, darts, and pool. All of these games require a great deal of skill, but should not be called sports.

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12y ago

Difference between do, go, play in sport??

The things we say in this area are often quite idiomatic, so it very much depends on the sport and on the context. However, here a few very general comments.

Tom plays soccer. Use this form for organized team sports, for games.

Tom goes dancing. Use this form for speaking of an activity that is not a game.

Tom does soccer. This is less common. It sounds like we are describing Tom's schedule, eg every Friday morning at school he does Biology and every Friday afternoon he does soccer. It still sounds a bit odd.

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11y ago

A play is a drama. Role playing is taking on the personage of a real or fictional character, or of some generic character such as a doctor, wizard, guard, or warrior. This is also used in sexual behaviors.

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11y ago

a game has a winner and rules. an activity is just something you do just for fun or in order to achieve something, a result (not to winn)

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The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.The difference between gladiatorial games and fights is one of words. The Romans used the word "games" for activities that required competition, especially physical competition. For example, the "games" in honor of Apollo consisted of theater and chariot racing. Gladiators would fight in "games" that were celebrating some event. A gladiatorial fight was many times a part of a collection of events called games.

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There is not difference .The only difference is the boxart.

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It depends on the activities cause in pro basketball men can slam dunk but women can not, and so on.

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The biggest difference between the minor and major games is the skill level of the players. Most major league players started in the minor games. Once they are skilled enough they are drafted into the major games.

What is Difference between major and minor games?

The biggest difference between the minor and major games is the skill level of the players. Most major league players started in the minor games. Once they are skilled enough they are drafted into the major games.

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