fuselage centerline is drawn at center of maximum height of the body alined horizontally but fuselage reference line is a zero-lift line of the wing-body of the airplane
The words
differentiate general reference sources and special reference sources with example
it's a weight issue. If the wing tanks would be emptied first then difference in weight between the wings and the fuselage would become too large and put too much stress on the wing-fuselage connection. Emptying the center tank first makes the fuselage lighter.
The same difference as in other languages. A weak reference is one that won't stop the garbage collector from eliminating an object.
differentiate between reference materials and reserved books
the difference between the three major credit reference agencies are the types of the work they do to help people and say them to spread out the truth about them selves.
the difference between the source freq. and the reference freq
There is no relation between reference and hascode, Java reference is unique pointer which refers an object. so each object will have a unique reference. but 2 diff object can have same hashcode.
There is no difference. For Example, reference point means where you see something out of somewhere, and frame of reference means seeing something out of somethings "eyes" i know it sounds weird but i hope i helped.
cross traffic
Wikipedia an encyclopedia with no questions and answers, and Answers.com Reference Answers has questions and answers.
There is no difference between unconventional and non-conventional. You can use both either of these words to reference something that is not considered the norm.