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Taxonomy of frogs and toads:
Kingdom: Animalia
Subkingdom: Metazoa
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura

After this is family, and that is where frogs and toads split. True toads are all members of the family Bufonidae. True frogs are members of the family Ranidae. There are around 400 species of frogs, and 300 species of toads. There are also several frog species that are called toads in the common name, but if you look up the scientific classification, this reveals that they are indeed frogs. They are just called toads because of their resemblance to toads.

  • Frogs have finer bodies with narrower waists while toads' bodies are broader.
  • When on a flat surface, frogs lie flat, but toads tend to sit upright.
  • Frogs have feet which are specially structured to act as suction caps to enable them to climb trees and other surfaces. Toads are entirely ground-dwelling.
  • Frogs have an amazing variety of colours - green, yellow, orange, red, black and even blue. Toads are duller in appearance.
  • Frogs have long, webbed hind feet: they can jump and leap very far because they have strong back legs, but toads cannot leap very far or jump very high because they have short hind legs. Frogs have longer legs and can jump farther in proportion to body length, while toads have shorter legs and jump less than the frog in proportion to body length. Toads walk instead of hopping.
  • Some frogs have poison glands, but all toads have poison (Paratoid) glands behind their eyes. These glands secrete a poison called bufotoxin, which varies in intensity. Frog do not have paratoid glands, although frogs can have poison through alternate methods.
  • Frogs have slimy, slippery and delicate skin, but toads have drier skin with warts.
  • Frogs' eggs are laid in bunches or clusters, whilst toads' eggs are laid in long strings.
  • Generally, frogs live near water (although there are some desert species which hibernate until rains come). Toads tend to live on land, although near boggy areas.
  • Some frog species are diurnal and some are nocturnal: toads are almost exclusively nocturnal.
  • Frogs have teeth for gripping their food (not chewing). Toads do not have teeth.
  • There are no native toad species in Australia, but there are many native frog species.
  • Frogs have smaller ear drums than toads.
  • Toads have different cartilage in their chest compared to frogs.
  • Frogs jump actively for their food; toads do the "sit-and-wait" strategy.
  • Frogs are found in more places across the earth. Neither frogs nor toads are found in polar regions, but there are also no native toads in the Australasia - Oceania regions, while frog species are prolific.
  • A frog's eyes are positioned higher in its head, while a toad's eyes are positioned lower.
  • A group of frogs is called an army, while a group of toads is called a knot.
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āˆ™ 6y ago
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āˆ™ 9y ago

There are many differences in frogs in toads!!! Here are some of the major things. Frogs: * Slimy skin * Live mostly in water * teeth on top of mouth * long legs used for jumping

Toads: * Bumpy skin * Live mostly on land * No teeth * Short legs (not huge jumpers) Note the following from an article posted in the Related Links below:

Frog Characteristics * Frogs have bulging eyes * Frogs have long, webbed hind feet * Frogs have a long, narrow body * Frogs have strong back legs for jumping * Frogs have smooth, slimy skin * Frogs breed in water * Frogs live in moist environments, usually in or near water * Frogs lay their eggs in clusters Toad Characteristics * Toads have stubby bodies * Toads have short hind legs * Toads walk instead of hopping * Toads have dry, bumpy skin that resembles warts * Toads have a Paratoid (poison) gland behind their eyes * Toads have different cartilage in their chest then frogs do * Toads lay eggs in long chains. There are even a few toads that bear live young. Toads and frogs are in the same group of animals called anurans. Toads are a specific family (Bufonidae) within anurans, and for the most part all of the other members of the group anurans are called frogs. Toads are generally characterized as having dry, bumpy skin, and have large poison glands behind their eyes called paratoid glands. Toads are thought to be better adapted for living on land and tolerating drier conditions than many frogs.
Toads live mainly on land( in swamps or bogs). Frogs often live in the water. Also, toads have bumpy skin. Frogs have smooth skin.
Frogs will live in ponds, while toads live on land. Frogs' tadpoles are brown, while toads' tadpoles are black. Frogs have thinnder bodies while toads have fatter bodies. Frogs have smooth and moist skin, while toads have dry, warty skin. Toads have paratoid glands which create a poison called bufotoxin, while frogs do not have such glands. Frogs legs are longer and capable of longer jumps, while toads legs are shorter and cannot jump great distances in one leap.

Toads have round bodies that are dry and bumpy. Frogs have thin bodies that are smooth and moist. Toads have short stubby legs that do not jump very far in proportion to body length, while frogs have long legs that jump great distances in proportion to body length. The tadpoles of the toads are generally black, while the tadpoles of frogs are generally brown. Toads live on land and only return to water to mate, while most frogs will live in or near water they're whole lives. Toads have glands behind their eyes called paratoid

glands that produce


which varies in intensity, while frogs have no such glands. Toads have "warts" which let them store fat, while frogs don't. Frogs' skin can allow them to get small amounts of oxygen, while the toads' skin cannot do that. Toads hibernate in holes they either dig or find, while frogs will just bury themselves in the mud at the bottom of the pond to hibernate. Frogs have longer legs and can jump farther in proportion to body length, while toads have shorter legs and jump less than the frog in proportion to body length. Toads lay eggs in strings while frogs lay eggs in big masses.
Well for one, frogs usually have a slimy smooth texture, and toads are bumpy. Two, frogs like to spend time in water and toads don't need as much.
Both toads and frogs are amphibians, but frogs are much more aquatic than toads are. Frogs have a slippery thin skin that must be kept moist whereas toads have a warty thicker skin that holds water better. Frogs have webbed feet and toads do not. Toads spend much more of their time on dry land and frogs spend much more of their time in water.
frogs live in rivers and toads don't.Frogs have a silk smooth skin and toads have pimples on their skin
Toads have round bodies that are dry and bumpy. Frogs have thin bodies that are smooth and moist. Toads have short stubby legs that do not jump very far in proportion to body length, while frogs have long legs that jump great distances in proportion to body length. The tadpoles of the toads are generally black, while the tadpoles of frogs are generally brown. Toads live on land and only return to water to mate, while most frogs will live in or near water they're whole lives. Toads have glands behind their eyes called paratoid

glands that produce


which varies in intensity, while frogs have no such glands. Toads have "warts" which let them store fat, while frogs don't. Frogs' skin can allow them to get small amounts of oxygen, while the toads' skin cannot do that. Toads hibernate in holes they either dig or find, while frogs will just bury themselves in the mud at the bottom of the pond to hibernate. Frogs have longer legs and can jump farther in proportion to body length, while toads have shorter legs and jump less than the frog in proportion to body length. Toads lay eggs in strings while frogs lay eggs in big masses.
Frogs and Toads look very similar, however, they are very different. Frogs have smooth, almost slimy skin, while toads have bumps skin. Frogs can generally live in water, whereas toads prefer a drier climate.
1. Frogs have smooth skin while toads have warty skin 2. Toad eggs are stringed together frog eggs are scattered 3. Frogs have a thinner body
Toads have round bodies that are dry and bumpy. Frogs have thin bodies that are smooth and moist. Toads have short stubby legs that do not jump very far in proportion to body length, while frogs have long legs that jump great distances in proportion to body length. The tadpoles of the toads are generally black, while the tadpoles of frogs are generally brown. Toads live on land and only return to water to mate, while most frogs will live in or near water they're whole lives. Toads have glands behind their eyes called paratoid

glands that produce


which varies in intensity, while frogs have no such glands. Toads have "warts" which let them store fat, while frogs don't. Frogs' skin can allow them to get small amounts of oxygen, while the toads' skin cannot do that. Toads hibernate in holes they either dig or find, while frogs will just bury themselves in the mud at the bottom of the pond to hibernate. Frogs have longer legs and can jump farther in proportion to body length, while toads have shorter legs and jump less than the frog in proportion to body length.Toads lay big clumps of eggs, while frogs lay eggs in strings.
Frogs are amphibious. Toads are not.
tods are lighter then frogs and they noise is louder
well you can see frogs have large round ear membranes,ridges down back,a narrow body,moist skin,long leaps,long legs,and teeth while toads have small round membranes,ridges on head,a plump body,dry skin,short leaps, short legs,and no teeths.
a toad has bumpy skin and can a harmful liquid off there back that really bad. a frog has smooth skin and can not a liquid.
A toad has warts and is a darker type green while a frog is a lighter green and has no warts
Frog is male grown and toad is male half grown.Toad lay eggs like a neckless.Frog lay eggs like one line.*_*
Well frogs need to be close to water and toads don't and frogs have many predators and frogs don't have that much predators.
Toads usually spend most their time on land while frogs occasionally go into the water. Frogs usually have smoother skin than toads as toads have warts and bumpy skin.
frogs hop and toads walk
toads are bigger 2 toads lay in mud and frogs just go and hop when you pick them up 3thers none there in the same family they are like the same but i only know 2 reasons not 3

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