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Q: What is the difference between fourteen ten thousandths and fourteen ten-thousandths?
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What is the difference between 5 thousandths and 10 thousandths?

The difference is 5 thousandths. .010 -.005 = .005

What is the difference between fourteen and seventy-six?

76 - 14 = 62Therefore the difference is 62

What do people measure in thousandths?

In the olympics, the time difference between first place and second is very often in the thousandths.

What is the difference between 4 and 23 thousandths and 25 hundredths?

4.023 - 0.25 = 3.773

Which is greater 2.648 or 2.64?

2.648 is larger. The difference between the two is 0.008 or eight thousandths.

What is the difference between thousand and thousands?

The term "thousand" refers to the numerical value of 1,000, while "thousands" is a plural form indicating a quantity greater than one thousand. For example, if you have 3,000 items, you would say you have "thousands" of items. "Thousand" is singular and specific, while "thousands" is plural and represents a larger, unspecified quantity.

What is the difference between 140 thousandths and 140 thousands?

140 thousandths is a measurement, there are 1000 increments in an inch, 140 of them would be 140 thousandths (of an inch). 140 thousand is 140,000. 140 thousand people, pieces of gum, trees, etc. It is a count of individual objects or things.

Fifty-four and five hundredths is how much greater than fifty and forty thousandths?

The difference between fifty-four and five hundredths (54.05) and fifty and forty thousandths (50.040) is four and one hundredth 54.05 - 50.040 = 4.01

How is twelve thousandth written?

12,000th:)! ! ! ! ur welcome *couture queen* * * * * * Clearly, couture queen does not know the difference between thousands and thousandths! The correct answer is 0.012

What is the common factor between four and fourteen?


What is the relationship between thousandths and hundredths?


What is the differense between 142 thousands and 142 thousandths Explain how you know?

142000 is a whole number thousandths are decimals after the point is tenths hundredths than thousandths 0.073