MARSOC is basically a reformed Force Recon. It's the same guys doing the same job.
Force Recon Officers are typically not the Gung-Ho soldier fighting the battle, but more of a command/logistics organizer back at base. The Marines put a strong emphasis on leadership, so usually a enlisted Sergent will be the one leading the Recon team on missions. However, officers usually will be the key planners of the mission, and will sometimes be sent out with their team, especially if the Recon team is sent to a forward operating post in Afghanistan or something similar to that. Also, officers almost never attend Recon training. As an officer you would have to select the Infantry MOS and then serve your 3-4 years as an infantry officer. You would see combat then, but after you reach the rank of 03-04, you typically won't see much combat as an infantry officer. Once you serve you required time as a payment for your training, you may request to be transfered to Recon. It is very hard to get your commanding officer to recommend you. If you were good at your last job he might not let you go, and if you were bad then he wouldn't recommend you because it might eventually come back to him. Overall, Recon does see combat, but very little compared to a typical Marine unit. Officers will almost never see combat as a Recon Officer, so If you want to be a "gunfighter", enlistment would be your best option as you can choose a Recon MOS. Hope this helped!
The Recon (Reconnaissance) Marines are US Marines; the US Marine Corps was deployed to Vietnam in 1965. Scout=Recon/Scouting=Reconnaissance. Reconnaissance=gathering information Military information=Military intelligence
Long Range Recon Patrol- it's from the Viet Nam era
there were no airplanes in the word war 1. __ The use of airplanes in the military pre-dates WW1. Airplanes were used for recon, bombing missions and fighters.
mostly the same weapons used today just a bit more primitive - bombs, rockets, machine guns, hand held firearms and the planes themselves used as weapons most unusual successful use of a weapon was an unarmed piper cub recon plane which the pilot used a 45 acp pistol to shoot down another recon plane the kamikaze planes of the Japanese which used the plane itself as a weapon rockets though not used extensively were used but they were not all that accurate
Yes and no. When MARSOC was created in 2006, the direct action platoons (i.e. door kickers) from Force Recon were transferred over and changed into the Marine Special Operations Teams, or MSOTs. The first MARSOC operators were from these Force Recon platoons. This allowed Force Recon to shift their focus back to the intelligence gathering and deep recon missions that they were designed for.
MARSOC was established on Feb 24 2006 and is part of USSOCOM, United States Special Operations Command. MARSOC is 1 of the 5 Special Forces part of SOCOM. AFSOC, ASOC, MARSOC, NAVSPECWARCOM, JSOC MARSOC trains, organizes, equips, and when directed by CDRUSSOCOM deploys organized Marine Special Operation Forces worldwide in support of combatant commanders and other agencies. As far as I know Marine Force Recon is separate of SOCOM, but prior to FEB 2006 most current MARSOC team members were part of Force Recon. Force Recon members are highly trained scouts that provide Intelligence and Reconnaissance.
Originally Force Recon, they are now known as Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC).
Force Recon handles high priority military intelligence as needed by Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) command element. Marine Recon handle division-level ground and amphibious reconnaissance
There is no official information or announcement indicating that Marine Force Recon will become a separate unit again. However, military organizations and structures can evolve and change over time, so it is always possible for changes to be made in the future.
Marine Force Recon is a branch of MARSOC (Marine Special Operations Command) and their job is to locate HVT's (High Value Targets) and other threats for the main infantry. There is no question about it, they are the most elite fighters in the United States. Many say that Navy SEALs are more elite, but there are over 3,000 SEALs in the world, and only about 300 Force Recon Marines in the world.
Based on the fact that the movie came out in January 2006 and MARSOC wasn't officially stood up late February 2006, it was most likely meant to be Force Recon Marines that are portrayed in the movie.
Navy and Marine SpecOps forces personnel are dedicated to their respective branches; the biggest exceptions are aviation (Naval and Marine Corps aviators fly off of Navy carriers) and Navy Corpsmen, who serve as combat medics for the Marines. The Navy also provides the Chaplains, Doctors, Dentists and JAG officers for the Marine Corps. The only combat trained officers from the Navy that serve with the Marines are those assigned as NGLOs, Naval Gunfire Liaison Officers that work with the Marines in coordinating Naval Gunfire support to the Marine forces. The only other Sailors who train with the Marines are the Navy's SeaBees, who must complete Marine Corps Basic Infantry training. Their respective missions are also different; where Force Recon is first and foremost an advance scouting/recon unit deep inside enemy territory (ahead of invasion or larger forces), the SEAL's are geared more toward active combat behind enemy lines, as well as providing support to other government agencies (e.g., CIA, NSA). That doesn't mean that they don't work together; they do. But their respective training is much different. Of course a Marine can always leave the Corps and become a sailor and try to become a SEAL and vice-versa, but the likelihood of that happening is slim to none, and slim's out of town. Once you achieve the rank, respect, and honor that the hard work and training has given you by being selected, you don't want to leave.
MARSOC MARine Special Operations Capable
The primary special operations force of the USMC is simply known as MARSOC, the Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command.Also known as Force Recon from their historic origins as an elite Marine unit that wasn't attached to the Special Forces, it is not as well known as the Army Rangers and Navy SEALs becuase it is a relatively new outfit, established in 2006. Unlike Force Recon, MARSOC was established as a full member of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) so as to coordinate an increased need for joint special operations and counter-terrorism.
The U.S. Army have the U.S. Army Rangers and U.S. Army Special Forces more commonly know as the Green Berets and the U.S. Marine Corps have Recon Marines (split into Divison Recon and Force Recon), who are special forces-capable, and MARSOC, which is their contribution to SOCOM (Special Operations Command)and are up their with Navy SEALs, U.S. Army Special Forces, and Air Force Pararescue.
The motto of Philippine Marine Corps Force Recon Battalion is 'Recon'.