fluidity is that how easily a liquid flows and viscosity is how rigid era the particles of the liquid are
Fluidity refers to how easily a substance flows, while viscosity refers to a substance's resistance to flow. Fluidity describes how freely a substance moves, whereas viscosity describes how thick or sticky a substance is. Materials with low viscosity flow easily, while those with high viscosity resist flow.
The opposite of fluidity is viscosity, which refers to the resistance of a fluid to flow. High viscosity fluids are thicker and flow more slowly, while low viscosity fluids flow more easily.
Fluidity is the ability of a substance to flow and change its shape easily, without breaking apart. In fluid mechanics, it describes how easily a substance can deform and how it responds to external forces, such as pressure or shear stress. Fluidity is a key property of liquids and gases.
Temperature and viscosity are inversely related - as temperature increases, viscosity decreases. This is because increased temperature causes molecules in a substance to move more freely, resulting in lower resistance to flow and lower viscosity. Conversely, lower temperatures cause molecules to move more sluggishly, increasing resistance to flow and raising viscosity.
HPMC K100M has a higher viscosity compared to HPMC K15M. The difference in viscosity is due to the molecular weight of the polymer, with higher molecular weight leading to higher viscosity. This will impact the flow and performance of the two polymers in various applications.
Rigidity refers to inflexibility or stiffness, where there is limited ability to change or adapt. Fluidity, on the other hand, suggests flexibility and adaptability to changing circumstances or environments. In essence, rigidity connotes a more fixed state, while fluidity implies a more dynamic and responsive state.
An antonym would be fluidity .
The opposite of fluidity is viscosity, which refers to the resistance of a fluid to flow. High viscosity fluids are thicker and flow more slowly, while low viscosity fluids flow more easily.
Viscosity is resistance to flow of oil Viscosity Index is a scale to measure viscosity
Both are same
It is called fluidity or viscosity, depending on whether the particles are liquids or gases. Fluidity describes the ease at which particles in a liquid flow past each other, while viscosity is the resistance to flow exhibited by liquids or gases.
Because viscosity refers to the degree of fluidity of a liquid, and that's something visible.It is a physical property.
Both are same
Both are same
The property would be fluid or fluidity.
There is no difference in viscosity. A 10w30 full synthetic is the same as a 10w30 blend.
Single viscosity is high quality oil. Mulit-viscosity oil is used for in the winter.
transparancy is how much light can get through something, and viscosity has to do with thickness of a liquid