Boot cut jeans flare out at the bottom, in a shape that you could wear boots under. The ankles aren't tight. They start getting wider at the knees Skinny bootcut jeans are tight all they way down (are tight around the calves) then start to flare out around the ankle.
Flare jeans generally have a wider opening than a bootcut but it really varies from brand to brand. further to previous answers, boot cut jeans are worn by Andy crockford and flares are not....
Kick flare are more shaped. They have more of a flare from the knee downwards, whereas the flare don't have such a defined line.
Bootcut jeans get tighter below the knee cap and then widen around the ankle to allow the wearer to fit a boot inside of them, however bootcut jeans are commonly worn both with and without boots.
It is a bootcut jean (a men's style like straight jeans) that is form fitting in the upper portion of the jean with a bootcut style on the bottom. A typical bootcut is more loose and has a flair (like bellbottoms) at the bottom.
Usually Sears
One can purchase mens bootcut jeans from a number of local retailers and shopping malls. However, one can conveniently order it from online stores like Zalando and Old Navy.
One good place to look would be at Express. They sell jeans that are specifically indicated for curvy figures. They have a bootcut version, a flare version and also a skinny jean version. Even better, if you go to Express you can choose between short, regular and long pants, which is great for shorter girls.
Flare jeans are back in style. There are different variations of "flare" to consider. The most popular flare pants are called boot cut and they have a small flare at the bottom.
You can hide your curves by wearing black,as it is the slimmest colour to wear.You could also check out certain parts of shops which are especially made for curvey people.Another thing is not to wear big jumpers as they make your curves look bigger.If you like jeans then instead on wearing skinny jeans,try bootcut!They really work,by bootcut i mean tight at the top then flare out at the bottom,these can be really flattering and also if you do by jeans,deffently buy darker ones,maybe with some studs or something on them to kind of even it out.
they don't flare out, they hug your ankles !
If you use a seam ripper you can add fabric to make the jeans bootcut. Usually a triangle of fabric will work. I've seen Bootcut jeans made this way with different fabrics instead of denim. Just rip the threads at the seams and then sew in the triangle of fabric.