Fetal and Fatal are both adjectives but are totally different! Fetal is descriptive of the fetus ( also written as Foetus) of an organism, which is the embryo of an animal; For example, "Fetal development in humans occurs in many stages".
Fatal on the other hand is descriptive of a situation or a negative event; for example, " A fatal accident occurred down the road and several people were injured"
It is much less serious.
the difference between the ventricles and the atria is that the ventricles are thicker
cause it just is different!(:
Theres a whole latta differences between a human body and a pig fetus which is jst about everything down do DNA and chromasomes but the difference between a fetal human n a fetal pig is the DNA, chromosomes, and development
Fetal surgery allows doctors to treat certain abnormalities of the fetus that might otherwise be fatal or cause significant problems if permitted to progress.
There are no noticeable difference in fetal elimination of nitrogenous wastes which would account for the structural differences between pigs and humans. Waste is eliminated through urination.
A fetal chick grows into a chicken, whereas a fetal human grows into a human.
New born calf serum is cheaper than FBS
My name is jim not sam Im not green im purple Quoted by Benj
Electrocution is death by electricity and an electric shock in non-fatal.
A fetal pig's lungs are similar to an adult's in the interior. The difference is that it is much smaller.
Humans and pigs both use the umbilical cord for fetal elimination of nitrogenous wastes. Both send the waste back to the mother through the umbilical cord and then the mother excretes the waste.