Fertilized is the first stage of the development process for an egg. The embryonated stage is further along but not quite "mature" yet.
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Hens will lay eggs regularly without the necessity for fertilization. The only difference between a fertilized and unfertilized egg is that a fertilized egg has the potential to hatch and become a chick, while the other does not. Several prominent institutions have conducted studies comparing the nutritional values of fertilized eggs to unfertilized eggs. The result was that both kinds of eggs are nutritionally the same.
they both fat shiys
Unfertilised, all large companies keep their laying hens separate from their breeding hens and cockerels.
so we can eat em! Because they were not fertilized by a male.
Only hens that have a rooster amongst the flock will have been fertilized. Store bought eggs are not fertilized as the mass produced egg suppliers do not allow roosters near the hens. Usually only small farms will sell eggs that may have been fertilized.
no that is how people eat eggs. we eat eggs that chickens/hens hatch that aren't fertilized.
so then they can make love with there babies and be like Emily
There's no real difference between them. Battery hens are only smaller and some VERY CRUEL PEOPLE put them squished in a box and on wire that cuts their feet. So they're miserable all their life. so, eventually they forget to walk. Which barn hens have more freedom and space to walk around and lay and there for, they are allot happier with their lives.
unfortunately, there is no difference between chick eggs and eating eggs, outside and inside. Enjoy eating dead hens!
To make unfertelized eggs the chickens are kept separate from the rooster because they don't need to have intercourse to produce eggs. The same applies to humans, women don't need to participate in intercourse to have a period. (P.S. humans release eggs too)
Collect Eggs Daily and Eat Them Yes, just collect your eggs daily. For the first few days there is no way for you to notice any difference between a fertilized egg and one that is not. Eggs from a flock with or without a rooster are collected daily and refrigerated ensuring the development of the chick never takes place. Eggs sold today in supermarkets are infertile as there are no roosters with the laying hens. Eggs bought from roadside stands, farmers markets and some health food stores can be fertilized since the small flock owner often does own a rooster. Fertile eggs that have not been incubated and stored in cold conditions are indistinguishable from any other egg you might buy. There is no nutritional difference between fertile and infertile eggs but there really is a big difference between the taste of a farm fresh egg and those bought at a large store.
No. they can if they have a rooster though