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Complete Binary tree: All leaf nodes are found at the tree depth level and All non-leaf nodes have two children.

Extended Binary tree: Nodes can have either 0 or 2 children.

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Q: What is the difference between extended binary tree and complete binary tree?
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BINARY TREE ISN'T NECESSARY THAT ALL OF LEAF NODE IN SAME LEVEL BUT COMPLETE BINARY TREE MUST HAVE ALL LEAF NODE IN SAME LEVEL.A complete binary tree may also be defined as a full binary tree in which all leaves are at depth n or n-1 for some n. In order for a tree to be the latter kind of complete binary tree, all the children on the last level must occupy the leftmost spots consecutively, with no spot left unoccupied in between any two. For example, if two nodes on the bottommost level each occupy a spot with an empty spot between the two of them, but the rest of the children nodes are tightly wedged together with no spots in between, then the tree cannot be a complete binary tree due to the empty spot.A full binary tree, or proper binary tree, is a tree in which every node has zero or two children.A perfect binary tree (sometimes complete binary tree) is a full binary tree in which all leaves are at the same depth.Raushan Kumar Singh.

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