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Ex vivo is time consuming and expensive but great control

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Q: What is the difference between ex-vivo therapy and invivo therapy?
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How do ex vivo and invivo therapy compare?

Ex vivo therapy is more expensive and time consuming, but allows greater control of the conditions.

What is invivo?

within the living

What is the difference between invitro and invivo?

In vitro refers to experiments conducted outside of a living organism, typically in a controlled laboratory environment. In vivo refers to experiments conducted within a living organism.

How can you differentiate between invivo and invitro hydrolysis?

The words tell you where the hydrolysis (breading down of water) occurs. Invivo means within an organism and its' cells. Invitro means "in glass". This reaction would not be studied in a cell or in a living organism but in a test tube or a petri dish.

What is the difference between invivo and invitro nitrogen fixing?

In vivo nitrogen fixing occurs inside living organisms, such as through symbiotic relationships between plants and bacteria in root nodules. In contrast, in vitro nitrogen fixing refers to nitrogen fixation that is carried out outside of living organisms, typically in a laboratory setting using isolated enzymes or bacteria.

What are glyconanoparticles?

Glyconanoparticles are nanoparticles (of nano size between 1 and 100 nanometer) capped with carbohydrates lipids, or peptides. Glyconanoparticles generally consist of three components:Metal core (usually gold, silver or other metals )Linker (wide variety of chemical linkers are used)Ligand (lipids, carbohydrates DNA, RNA, Peptides, or any chemical entity)Some of applications of Glyconanoparticles:Targeted Drug deliveryInvitro or invivo imagingVaccine and anti-adhesive technology (especially in cancer treatment)

Can you get pregnant if you are a transgender girl?

No. Right now it is only cosmetic and chemical - a neovagina is created but there is no uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries. Each one of these things is needed for normal "invivo" conception and birth. Althouugh the case of Thomas Beattie (Transman who got pregnant and birthed before any surgery) has muddied the waters, the truth is we are far from having Transwomen who are able to birth children. President Obama's acceptance of stem-cell research will possibly lead to organ building from the tissue of the patient and it is this process that appears to be the salvation of the Transman and Transwoman: organ transplant with custom created organs from your own flesh will be working and accepted rather than rejected by the immune system.Not only with this be great for Transpersons, but for everyday people: men with low sperm counts can get specially grown high output testes, women with fibroid or low fertility problems can have organs replaced with better ones grown outside the body and transplanted to replace bad ones they presently have. The tide of organ donation where only 1 in 10 (or less) people on the donation lists will get the organ they need, will change, no waiting for someone else to die - your own organ will be created for you and will work from day one. Hearts, livers, kidneys, eyes, nerves, hands, legs, breasts (for mastectomy patients), lungs, pancreas, bladders, prostates, testes, ovaries, large and small intestines, stomachs, new skin, ears (outer and inner), new skulls, lips, tracheae, even lymph nodes will be buildable and personally safe.For most Transwomen and Men, this will be the end Holy Grail for them: working reproductive parts of the sex they are, not as theyir body thinks it should be.