Inserting element in rear end is called as enqueue, Removing element from the front end is called as dequeue.
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The queue insert operation is known is enqueue. A queue has two ends namely REAR & FRONT. After the data has been inserted in a queue ,the new element becomes REAR.The queue deletion operation is known as dequeue. The data at the front of the queue is removed .
The names given to these functions are implementation-specific. Below are some common examples. Adding an element to the end: enqueue, push, add Removing an element form the top: dequeue, pop, remove
To implement a queue using stacks efficiently, you can use two stacks. One stack is used for enqueueing elements, and the other stack is used for dequeueing elements. When dequeueing, if the dequeue stack is empty, you can transfer elements from the enqueue stack to the dequeue stack to maintain the order of elements. This approach allows for efficient implementation of a queue using stacks.
the enqueue process places a new value at the back of the queue.
Queue is a datastructure used to store values(its a linear structure).it implements FIFO policy(the element to get in first is the first to get out).Some of the operations that can be performed on Q are put(enqueue) u put elements from the rear end, get(dequeue) where the element is removed from the front end.
To 'enqueue' something means to add it to the queue, or a list of to-do processes for, say, a program.
enqueue means simply add element into the queue. generally in the back side (which is known as REAR in queue).
| --- add (enqueue) ---> ... | --- remove (dequeue) ---> |By definition, First-in-First-out is the primary characteristic of being a queue. For any given time, the position of adding an item, or enqueue, is always from the left (directions shown as above, but they are just abstraction), and deleting one, or dequeue, is always from the right. The derived property or attribute of a queue is the adding position is always >= deleting positionWhen the positions of these 2 fundamental operations are at the same position, the queue is EMPTY. And we know there is no way to be less than EMPTY of a queue, right?! Thus, insertion and deletion positions of the queue are NEVER interchanged.If they could be interchanged, then the thing you have is just a container, not a specialized container to fulfill First-IN-First-OUT (QUEUE). (the ones in the container are not served as the order they came in)
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VLC is a cross media player and streaming. To enqueue items in VLC it is easiest to first download the items and then add them to the playlist in the order you would like them.
To 'enqueue' something means to add it to the queue, or a list of to-do processes for, say, a program.