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An enclosure is a stand-alone document sent with a cover letter. An attachment is a supporting document for a letter that is (usually) incorporated into the letter by reference; for example, a budget or an explanatory figure. The except is an email, in which case you can only "attach" a document.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Enclosure refers to a structure that surrounds or contains something, while attachment refers to connecting or fixing one thing to another. Enclosure typically provides protection or containment, while attachment involves joining objects together or adding one item to another.

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An enclosure is a document included with the same package, such as a resume sent with a cover letter. An appendix is a section or table that is added at the end of a document or book to supplement the main text.

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What is the difference between a canopy and a tent?

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What is the difference between off base and onbase enclosure?

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When were the majority of the enclosure acts passed?

Tha majority of Enclosure Acts were passed between 1750 and 1860.

Did the enclosure acts apply in Scotland?

Yes the enclosure acts applied to Scotland and the entire United Kingdom. The enclosure acts occurred between 1604 and 1914.