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Electrical degrees and mechanical degrees in dc motors are related by the equation:

Deg(elec) = (Number of Poles/2) *(Deg(mech))

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12y ago

an electrical devices are those devices which works on electricity such as DC and AC.

where as a mechanical device is one which works on strain ,stress and springs etc.

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11y ago

Electric machines use heavy current while the electronic machines use the light current.

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Q: What is the difference between electrical and mechanical devices?
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What devices converts electrical energy to mechanical energy?

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The relation between force mechincal and power electrical?

In electrical systems, power is the rate at which electrical energy is converted to other forms of energy, such as heat or mechanical work. Force is a component of mechanical power, representing the effort needed to move an object. In some cases, electrical power can be converted to mechanical power through devices like electric motors, where force is generated to do mechanical work.

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Its all electrical, but referring to electronics would be solid state devices such as tiny resistors ,tranistors soldering work found on devices such as Computer chips and Vehicle ECU's

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An electric motor, such as a starting motor

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The electrical load that converts electrical energy into movement is called a motor. Motors are commonly used in a variety of devices and machinery to drive mechanical systems.

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In electrical circuits, the outlet line is where the electricity flows out to power devices, while the load is the device that uses the electricity.

What is the explanation of electrical to mechanical energy?

Electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy in devices like electric motors. This conversion is achieved by using the magnetic field generated by the flow of electrical current to produce a mechanical force that drives the motion of the motor. The electrical energy is transformed into rotational mechanical energy in the motor, allowing it to perform useful work.

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Is engineering mechanics required in electrical engineering?

Of course. Many electrical applications involve mechanical devices such as circuit breakers, motors, generators.

What is the difference between electrical and electronics measuring instruments?

In the time that an electronic field was invented by Thomas Edison in 1883, electrical devices already exist 100 years ago. The difference between this to devices depends how it manipulates electricity in the field of work, electrical take the electric energy then transform it in the form of heat, light or motion while the electronics are designed to manipulate the electrical current and it also is doing so much more.

Why most practical energy conversion devices used magnetic field as the coupling medium between electrical and magnetic system?

Magnetic fields are commonly used in energy conversion devices because they allow for efficient energy transfer between electrical and mechanical systems. This coupling medium enables devices such as electric motors and generators to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy (and vice versa) with minimal energy loss. Magnetic fields help create rotation or linear motion, making them versatile and widely used in various applications.