Effect is what it changes or causes the subject to do. Effectiveness is how likely the effect will cause these changes in the subject.
Efficacy is the capacity to produce an effect. It is these conditions that distinguish efficacy from the related concept of effectiveness, which relates to change under real-life conditions. -- Wikipedia: "efficacy"
The basic difference between these two drug is that desloratadine is major metabolite of loratadine. But this difference does not make any significant variation in effectiveness between these two drugs.
Efficacy simply describes if something does what it's intended to do. Effectiveness, on the other hand, describes how well that something does what it's supposed to do.
The treatment effect is the difference between the observed outcome and the "normal" outcome
The treatment effect is the difference between the observed outcome and the "normal" outcome
A result is what you get from doing something. An effect is what happens because of that result.
yes there is difference between slide transition and slide animation. in slide transition there is only effect on slide but in slide animation there is only effect in text.
effectiveness refers to the ability to produce the desired results. efficiency refers to the correctness of the produced result ex; effectiveness is like making an engine of high performance and efficiency is like the extent to which it works and reach the goal of the manufacture
Sildenafil and sildenafil citrate are the same medication, with sildenafil citrate being the active ingredient in the drug. There is no difference in effectiveness between the two in treating erectile dysfunction.
mosses are nonvascular but fern are vascular
the different between cause and effect.... cause=what cause the problem or what cause it to become a problem effect=what effect did it have on it hope that help u(:
One difference is that "inspection" implies carefully looking at some thing or situation with a particular purpose. On the other hand, "supervision" implies overseeing a process to ensure completion or effectiveness.