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Dual Stand By: It simply means that your mobile will be in connection with both mobile service providers at the same time and you can either place or receive a call on either of the mobile numbers. But, as you are busy with one number, the other number goes "Not reachable"

Dual Active: Your calling party will never hear "Not reachable" message if he calls you on second mobile number when you are busy on talking on first number. He will be just on "waiting" that time ....

Reason: Dual Active mobiles use TWO processors to handle both SIM where Dual Stand By mobiles uses only ONE processor to handle both SIM

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14y ago
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14y ago

i thought i will get the answer on wiki....

but no 1 has answered it yet


The difference between a dual ACTIVE sim and a dual STANDBY sim cellphone is in the ease in switching sim cards.

In the dual ACTIVE sim cellphone, the user can easily change from sim1 to sim2 in one press of a switch. User can return to sim1 again by just pressing the switch sim key again.

But in the dual STANDBY sim cellphone, the user has to do the following:

1. User presses switch key to change from sim1 to sim2;

2. User has to specify that the new default sim is sim2;

3. Cellphone will show message that the change in default sim will restart the phone, and asks for a confirmation from the user;

4. Once the user confirms, cellphone restarts, and user waits for the cellphone to become ON again;

5. Once the cellphone is ON, user can use the cellphone using sim2.

In case the user wants to change back from sim2 to sim1 again, the user has to go through the above-mentioned steps once more.

Thus, a dual ACTIVE sim cellphone is more convenient to use.

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9y ago

friends, in duil active sim phone only one sim work at same time example in we are using sim one, somebody is calling to sim two then he cant able to connect, where as in dual standby phone if the persion is using sim one if he gets cal to sim two he can know.

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