The answer has to do with your preference for science or faith A doctor will read the New England Journal of Medicine and prescribe medications proven effective by the FDA, for this he will rely on double blind studies and statistical analysis. A medicine man will wear a mask and dance to summon the spirit of the White Buffalo, banish duendes and burn sacred herbs plus he does parlor tricks using the blood of a goat and a chicken sometimes achieving the placebo effect.
The difference between the two is that Martin King Luther Jr was a man who fighted for black (not to be discriminating) peoples rights. The one recieved by medical doctors MIGHT be a medicine or something like that.
Shaman or Witch Doctor.
There are no difference in men's and man's . They are the same.
Race vs. nationality. You are asking something like 'what is the difference between a white man and an English man'.
the difference is ( It is & He is )
Chief of Medicine?The man from Grey's Anatomy.
The cast of The New Medicine Man - 1914 includes: Chief Hailstorm as Undetermined Role Artie Ortego as Tall Feather - a Young Doctor
man is a person lan is letters
There are two different ways to say doctor depending on which one you need. The first is taakti which means a medical doctor. And the second is afatkuq which means a shaman, medicine man, or a witch doctor.
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