*Difuse* radiation is light that reaches the surface after being reflected and scattered by clouds or other particles in the sky.
Direct is that light which has not been reflected.
Direct radiation comes from a single source and follows a straight path, while diffuse radiation is scattered sunlight that has been redirected in various directions by the atmosphere or other surfaces. Direct radiation is more intense and has a more concentrated energy than diffuse radiation.
Heat conduction is the transfer of heat through a material by direct contact between particles. Heat radiation is the transfer of heat in the form of electromagnetic waves through empty space. Conduction requires a medium, while radiation does not.
The thermometer readings in the drawer were typically lower than in direct sunlight. This is because objects in the drawer are shielded from direct heat and radiation from the sun, resulting in a cooler temperature reading.
Conduction is the transfer of heat through a material by direct contact of particles, such as molecules or atoms. Radiation, on the other hand, is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves that can travel through a vacuum. Conduction typically occurs in solids, while radiation can occur in a vacuum or any medium that is transparent to electromagnetic waves.
Radiation can be direct contact when a radioactive source is in direct physical contact with a person or object, leading to exposure to radiation. This type of contact can result in localized radiation dose and potential harm to the exposed individual. Proper precautions should be taken to avoid direct contact with sources of radiation.
Infrared radiation is a form of electromagnetic energy that can transfer heat through radiation. It works by emitting and absorbing infrared radiation between objects without direct contact, transferring heat in the process.
There is a difference in absorbed and emitted radiation in equatorial and polar areas due to variations in solar angle and distribution. Equatorial regions receive more direct sunlight throughout the year, leading to higher absorption of radiation, while polar regions receive less direct sunlight due to the tilt of the Earth's axis, resulting in lower absorption and more emission of radiation to maintain energy balance.
difference b/w direct tax and indirect tax
Heat conduction is the transfer of heat through a material by direct contact between particles. Heat radiation is the transfer of heat in the form of electromagnetic waves through empty space. Conduction requires a medium, while radiation does not.
the difference between it's and it..is that it's means it is, while "it" is direct to the object .
the different between direct and indirect adress instruction
The difference between direct marketing and indirect marketing.
The thermometer readings in the drawer were typically lower than in direct sunlight. This is because objects in the drawer are shielded from direct heat and radiation from the sun, resulting in a cooler temperature reading.
The difference between indirect and direct quote life insurance is that the insurance level will differ. Direct is when someone dies, indirect involves other factors.
The difference between a dial up connect and a direct connection is that a dial up requires a connection from a phone line to a PC and the data capacity is smaller. A direct connection can transmit large amounts of data at higher speeds.
one is direct the other one isn't
my boob is itching