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Diet Soda has no carbonation regular soda has carbonation also, regular soda has more calories in it.

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Q: What is the difference between diet and regular pop?
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How is diet pop different from regular pop?

Diet pop contains "aspartame", it is the "diet" part of the drink that takes the calories, fats and sugars out of regular pop.

What fizzes longer diet or regular pop?

diet pop fizzes longer than regular pop(proved by experiment)

Is diet pop different from regular pop?

you have to test it get 20 people and see if they can tell the difference about the pop. you have to test it get 20 people and see if they can tell the difference about the pop.

Is there more carbonic acid in diet pop than regular pop?

No there is less in Diet

What are the types of pop?

regular, diet, caffeine free

What will cause more weight gain diet pop or regular?

Regular pop is sweetened with sucrose and / or high fructose corn syrup and so will have more calories than diet pop. However, the sweeteners in diet pop still give you a taste for sweet things so you may end up eating just as many calories in the rest of your diet.

Does diet pop have more carbonation than regular?

i think it does because it is reaplaced by carbonation and regular pop is filled with suger.

Does dit coke have more sugar in it than regular pop?

If you mean Diet Coke, no. It has no sugar.

Is regular non-diet pop a hypotonic or a hypertonic solution?

I am pretty sure it is a hypertonic solution.

What is the difference between pop and birla putty?

Birla putty is washable and pop is non washable.

What is the difference between art music and pop music?

art music is boring pop music

What is the difference between hip hop and pop?

it has different sounds