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If you are desperate, you want something so much that you are willing to go farther than you normally would to get it. You might be really worried about your mother's help and desperate for someone to take it seriously, so you would yell at someone at a hospital, trying to get them to pay attention to you, when you normally are polite and respectful. You might take a chance on an experimental drug, or allow someone to help you that you don't really trust... because you are desperate, and out of options, and will try almost anything.

If you are in despair, you have lost hope. You don't think that things are going to get better... you think they will just stay bad, and that there is no way out... not even a desperate one.

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11mo ago

Despair refers to a complete loss of hope, while desperate means feeling a strong need or desire for something. Despair is more emotional and psychological, indicating a sense of utter hopelessness, while desperate is more about a sense of urgency or extreme need.

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What the verb for desperate?

The verb form for "desperate" is "despair." It means to lose all hope or give up on a situation.

Is everything seems to be in despair between us grammatically correct?

It is grammatically correct, but not good English because things cannot be in despair. Use "desperate."

What is the difference between despair ad desperation?

Despair simply means hopelessness. Desperation is a reckless, violent condition caused by despair.

How do you spell deseperate?

I think you mean "desperate" (i.e. "in despair").

What is the adjective of despair?

Some synonyms for the verb to despair are:despondloose faithloose heartsurrenderSome synonyms for the noun despair are:depressionhopelessnessanguishdespondencymelancholy

What is the past tense of desperate?

The word 'desperate' is not a verb.The word 'desperate' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun (a desperate struggle, a desperatesituation, etc.)The related verb is to despair. The past tense is despaired.

Is desperation an emotion?

No, desperation is not an emotion but despair, or depression from anxiety, is emotion, and a person becomes desperate because of despair. Desperation is a state of being where emotion is feeling. Sure, you can feel desperate but it comes from out side forces not inside emotion. You are desperate for something, relief or an answer. Emotion has no cure. You can feel better but emotion is a part of being human.

What the mean of desperate?

The act of despairing or becoming desperate; a giving up of hope., A state of despair, or utter hopeless; abandonment of hope; extreme recklessness; reckless fury.

What does desparate mean?

1. Having lost all hope; despairing.2. Marked by, arising from, or showing despair: the desperate look of hunger; a desperate cry for help.3. Reckless or violent because of despair: a desperate criminal.4. Undertaken out of extreme urgency or as a last resort: a desperate attempt to save the family business.5. Nearly hopeless; critical: a desperate illness; a desperate situation.6. Suffering or driven by great need or distress: desperate for recognition.7. Extremely intense: felt a desperate urge to tell the truth.

Is desperately an adverb?

No, the word desperate is not an adverb. This is an adjective.The adverb of the word desperate is desperately.An example sentence is: "Scott desperately needs a cup of tea".

Is quite a synonym for desperate?

gravely, badly, seriously, severely, dangerously, perilously

What is a synonym for hopelessness?

hopelessness: synonyms: despair; hopeless; desperate; desperateness, desperation, despond, despondence, despondency; grim; gloomy; unhopeful; forlorn