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Rejecting something is more of a choice, refusal is like when

you really really don't want the thing at all and you refuse to

even let it get near you or whatever



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Q: What is the difference between decline refuse reject deny?
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Does decline mean to refuse?

No, decline usually means to decrease or diminish in value, amount, or intensity. Refuse means to reject or say no to something.

What is an synonym for decline?

decrease, fade, lessen, fall, Or: deny, reject, refuse

What is the meaning of reject?

To cast from one; to throw away; to discard., To refuse to receive or to acknowledge; to decline haughtily or harshly; to repudiate., To refuse to grant; as, to reject a prayer or request.

What the other name for refuse?

Another word for refuse is decline, reject or deny. As a noun, refuse means garbage, trash, rubbish, waste or trash.

What is the meaning of refuse?

Refuse refers to items or materials that are discarded or thrown away because they are no longer wanted or needed. It can include things like garbage, waste, or rejected items. Refusing can also mean rejecting or declining something.

Would refuse be a verb?

Yes, "refuse" can be used as a verb. It means to decline or reject something, such as a request, offer, or suggestion. For example, you can say "I refuse to go to the party" or "He refused to accept the job offer."

What is the mining of reject?

Reject means that to refuse, take, recognize.

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What is the other term for refuse?

Another Term For Refuse Is To Turn Down Or Reject :D