Decent means fair/good/okay/'not bad'.
Descent means to arrive from, or be derived from.
The homophone for "descent" is "dissent."
A homonym for descent is "dissent."
decent and descent are not similar words. Decent means a person who is considerate, helpful and kind and good. Descent means to lower oneself, to go down into a shaft or a steep hill, or to desecnd.
No, James Darren is not of Greek descent. He is of Italian descent.
Galicians are of Celtic descent.
Descent is correct spelling if you are looking for a word meaning something or someone going downwards."The plane begins its descent along the runway".Decent is the correct spelling if you are looking for a word meaning satisfactory or moral."The meal was very decent".
The word "decent" is accented on the first syllable.
The opposite of decent could be indecent, unseemly, immoral, or uncouth.
Due to being a better than decent mountain climber, she was able to make the treacherous descent down Mt. Everest unscathed.
She is a very decent person
No, Bob Griese is not of Italian descent. He is of German and Swiss descent.