Honor roll is receiving a 3.0 or higher whereas Dean's list is a 4.0.
Dean's list typically refers to recognition of high academic achievement at the college or university level, often requiring a specific GPA threshold. Honor roll, on the other hand, is more commonly used in K-12 education to recognize students who have achieved a certain level of academic excellence, often based on grades in individual courses.
No, it is not capitalized.
GPA stands for grade point average. Dean's list is something like your k-12 honor roll except in college its referred to as the Dean's Lists. Your GPA can determine whether or not you can make the Dean's List.
What is the difference between a list and an outlin?
What is the difference between a list and an outlin?
It is a list of those students who have academically excelled
3.1 is ok, but most universities require at least a 3.3 for deans list recognition, so keep studying and shoot for the deans list!!
The dean's list comes out at the end of each semester.
whats the difference between cost and list?
uhh....search everywhere on the schools website?
In a statute, what is the difference between the words 'means' and 'includes' when heading a list?
The outlined number list has a hiearchy.