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Daylight Fluorescent lamps have bluish-white illuminance, whereas coolwhite fluorescent lamps have yellowish-white illuminance.

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Q: What is the difference between daylight fluorescent and cool white fluorescent?
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What is the difference between red hot and white hot?

When some objects get hot enough, they glow, given off a faint red light . If they get even hotter, the glow turns into white light. The objects are said to be white light

What is the difference between blacks and whites?

Black is a dark color and is the color of this typing and white is a light color it's the color of some of this page! If you compare this to a human there is no difference, we are all the same and should not be looked at differently. There is no reason for black people to wear lighting cream to make them lighter, and there is no reason for white people to get a tan for darkness either. We are special in tones and who we are.

What is the difference between white fluorescent lights and yellow ones?

Florescent bulbs are environmental-friendly. Yellow bulbs use more electricity, but their lighting is generally better. Most florescent bulbs take at least a full minute to reach their full lighting, therefore conserving energy when you don't need full lighting. Florescent bulbs are environmental-friendly. Yellow bulbs use more electricity, but their lighting is generally better. Most florescent bulbs take at least a full minute to reach their full lighting, therefore conserving energy when you don't need full lighting.

What are different types of segregation?

There are types like difference of religion, men from woman and race (black and white).

A neon light is more similar to an incandescent light or a fluorescent light explain how you know?

A neon light is much more similar to a fluorescent light. I know because I have a Ph.D. in physical chemistry, but I suspect you mean "justify your answer," so here goes. In a gas-discharge light (a neon light), a gas is ionized by an electric potential. Free electrons are then accelerated through the ionized gas. This causes the ions to transition into an excited electronic state. When the ion decays back to the ground state, energy of characteristic frequencies is emitted; the dominant frequencies depend on the gas, the voltage, and the pressure. This is why neon lights are orange-red: the dominant characteristic visible frequencies for neon gas are in the orange-red portion of the spectrum. (If you see a "neon" light that isn't orange-red, it's probably not really using neon gas.) A fluorescent light is exactly the same, except that the inside of the tube is coated with a fluorescent material. It absorbs the (high frequency) energy emitted by the gas discharge itself, and emits energy at a lower frequency (characteristic of the specific material). The gas in fluorescent lights is usually low-pressure mercury vapor, whose dominant emisison frequencies are in the ultraviolet. This is absorbed by the phosphor in the tube and re-emitted as a lower frequency (in the visible spectrum). Most fluorescent lights have a mixture of phosphors so that the emitted light appears "white" because it's actually a mix of different colors that kind of "average out" to white (this is like how the red, green, and blue phosphors in a CRT "blend" to appear white). To confuse matters even further, a lot of modern "neon" lights are actually just fluorescent lights with a colored dye or sleeve applied to the tube (if the tube, when off, appears white, colored, or "cloudy", it's probably a fluorescent light instead; if it's clear and looks empty, then it's pure gas-discharge). This allows for the production of "neon" lights of any color desired and also allows different sections of the tube to have different colors. An incandescent light glows because it's hot ("black body" radiation or "cavity" radiation). There's no characteristic frequency, though there is an emissions maximum which varies depending on temperature. If it's relatively cool ("red hot" is relatively cool as used here), it will appear a dull red; as it gets hotter it turns bright red, then orange, then yellow, then white, and ultimately starts to appear to have a bluish tinge as the emissions maximum shifts to shorter and shorter wavelengths.

Related questions

What is the difference between daylight fluorescent and warm white fluorescent?

Daylight fluorescent bulbs produce a cooler blue-white light similar to natural daylight, while warm white fluorescent bulbs emit a warmer yellowish light. Daylight bulbs are often used in spaces where accurate color representation is important, while warm white bulbs are used to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

What are the different fluorescent color temperatures available for lighting options?

Fluorescent lighting options are available in different color temperatures, including warm white (2700-3000K), cool white (3500-4100K), and daylight (5000-6500K).

What are the different gases introduced into fluorescent lamps that give them their specific colors?

I think that you may be confusing fluorescent tubes with neon tubes. Fluorescent tubes use a phosphor coating on the inside of the lamp which is in a limited spectrum. Some tubes are cool white, warm white, and daylight. There is also a gro lux which is on the warm end of the spectrum used for growing indoor plants.

Is there an equivalent color for the warm white fluorescent lamp?

The next lamp up the fluorescent lamp scale from warm white is deluxe warm white.

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The difference would be that is white and one is red you guess which is which

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The difference between them is that white fat is found in adults and brown fat is found in children.

Where will a full range of colors be better seen- in a room with fluorescent lighting or outside underdaylight Explain?

In general, daylight provides a more full-spectrum and balanced light source, allowing for a wider range of colors to be seen accurately. This is because daylight is close to the light spectrum of sunlight, which is considered to be a neutral white light. The color temperature of daylight is approximately 5500K, which is close to the standard used in color-critical work, such as photography and printing. On the other hand, fluorescent lighting often has a greenish or bluish tint, which can shift the appearance of colors. Fluorescent lighting is often lower in color temperature and can have a noticeable color cast. Additionally, older fluorescent lights can flicker, causing a strobing effect that can be distracting and make it difficult to see accurate color. In conclusion, while both daylight and fluorescent lighting can provide adequate illumination, daylight is typically the preferred light source for color-critical work, as it provides a more accurate representation of color.

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All of the different colours seem to be the difference between the grey, white and brown mice...

Is a horse white when it is gray?

He may look white, but there is a difference between white and grey.

How can I effectively illuminate my garage using fluorescent lights?

To effectively illuminate your garage using fluorescent lights, first determine the appropriate number and placement of fixtures based on the size and layout of the space. Install the fixtures securely and evenly spaced for uniform lighting. Consider using daylight or cool white fluorescent bulbs for optimal brightness. Additionally, ensure proper wiring and safety measures are in place during installation.

Is there a difference between gray and white PVC piping and fittings?

The only difference between gray and white PVC piping is in the color. They're both PVC.