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being crucified is being hung on a cross i.e like Jesus was, if you believe that. Execution is cutting someone's head off.


Execution is the more general term. Crucifixion is one form of execution, among many others, including beheading. Crucifixion is not used anywhere in the world as a form of execution, at least as far as anyone knows. The word 'execution' has meanins other than the taking of life, as used above.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

Crucifixion is a specific method of execution where the victim is nailed or tied to a cross and left to die. Execution is a general term for carrying out a death sentence, which can involve various methods like hanging, firing squad, lethal injection, or beheading. Crucifixion is a form of execution, but not all executions involve crucifixion.

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